279 presentations found
September 2021
Net Returns to Cover Cropping
Alejandro Plastina
International Soil Carbon Network, American Geophysical Union, and USDA Climate Hubs Webinar
Alejandro Plastina
International Soil Carbon Network, American Geophysical Union, and USDA Climate Hubs Webinar
March 2021
Economic Considerations on Cover Crop Adoption
Alejandro Plastina
Iowa Learning Farms Conservation Webinar Series
Alejandro Plastina
Iowa Learning Farms Conservation Webinar Series
U.S.-China Agricultural Trade: the Way Forward
Wendong Zhang
Iowa Corn Growers Association EGT Committee Meeting
Wendong Zhang
Iowa Corn Growers Association EGT Committee Meeting
February 2021
The Impacts of Ad Hoc Federal Government Payments on Commodity and Land Markets
Wendong Zhang
American Farm Bureau Federation
Wendong Zhang
American Farm Bureau Federation
Reducing the Health Impacts of the Nitrogen Problem, Cover Crops by Region: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in the Midwest
Alejandro Plastina
A Virtual Workshop from the Environmental Health Matters Initiative
Alejandro Plastina
A Virtual Workshop from the Environmental Health Matters Initiative
Cover Crops by Region: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in the Midwest
Alejandro Plastina
Invited Flash Talk at the Workshop on Reducing the Health Impacts of the Nitrogen Problem organized by the Environmental Health Matters Initiative, National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Alejandro Plastina
Invited Flash Talk at the Workshop on Reducing the Health Impacts of the Nitrogen Problem organized by the Environmental Health Matters Initiative, National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
U.S.-China Agricultural Trade after the Election: the Way Forward
Wendong Zhang
2021 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Winter Programs, ISU Alumni Association
Wendong Zhang
2021 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Winter Programs, ISU Alumni Association
January 2021
Estimated Costs of Crop Production
Alejandro Plastina
Webinar and Panel Discussion organized by the Iowa Farm Bureau
Alejandro Plastina
Webinar and Panel Discussion organized by the Iowa Farm Bureau
December 2020
Economic Drivers of Cover Crop Adoption
Alejandro Plastina
Invited Presentation at the 2020 Soil Management Summit, University of Minnesota Extension
Alejandro Plastina
Invited Presentation at the 2020 Soil Management Summit, University of Minnesota Extension
Farm Finances and Government Programs
Alejandro Plastina
Pro-Ag Outlook and Management, ISUEO Ag Decision Maker Webinar Series
Alejandro Plastina
Pro-Ag Outlook and Management, ISUEO Ag Decision Maker Webinar Series
Farm Finances and the Impact of Government Support Programs
Alejandro Plastina
Ag Outlook for College Students, ISUEO Ag Decision Maker Webinar Series
Alejandro Plastina
Ag Outlook for College Students, ISUEO Ag Decision Maker Webinar Series
October 2020
Crop Finances and Government Payments
Alejandro Plastina
ISUEO Ag Decision Maker Webinar: 2020 Government Payments and USDA FSA Programs
Alejandro Plastina
ISUEO Ag Decision Maker Webinar: 2020 Government Payments and USDA FSA Programs
September 2020
Overview of the Ag Economy
Alejandro Plastina
Invited Presentation at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Des Moines Office
Alejandro Plastina
Invited Presentation at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Des Moines Office
August 2020
Farm Financial Situation and Costs of Crop Production
Alejandro Plastina
Issues Impacting Iowa Farmland Owners and Tenants for 2021, ISU Center for Ag Law and Taxation Webinar
Alejandro Plastina
Issues Impacting Iowa Farmland Owners and Tenants for 2021, ISU Center for Ag Law and Taxation Webinar
June 2020
Career Perspectives, Advice & Insight: Summer 2020 Summer Cooperatives Course, Session II
Keri Jacobs
Iowa Institute for Cooperatives, Ames, IA
Keri Jacobs
Iowa Institute for Cooperatives, Ames, IA
May 2020
Cooperative Foundations: Summer 2020 Cooperatives Course, Session I
Keri Jacobs
Iowa Institute for Cooperatives, Ames, IA
Keri Jacobs
Iowa Institute for Cooperatives, Ames, IA
US-China Agricultural Trade and Shifting Consumption Patterns in China
Wendong Zhang and Nick Paulson
Farmdoc Daily Webinar Series "Coronavirus and Ag"
Wendong Zhang and Nick Paulson
Farmdoc Daily Webinar Series "Coronavirus and Ag"
March 2020
Ag Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges
Alejandro Plastina
Invited Presentation at the Ag Forum on Agriculture and the Economy, Successful Communities Speaker Series. Greenfield, IA
Alejandro Plastina
Invited Presentation at the Ag Forum on Agriculture and the Economy, Successful Communities Speaker Series. Greenfield, IA
February 2020
Update on US-China Trade War and Phase One Trade Deal
Wendong Zhang
Ag Symposium, South Central College (Minnesota State), Mankato, MN
Wendong Zhang
Ag Symposium, South Central College (Minnesota State), Mankato, MN
January 2020
Update On the US-China Phase One Trade Deal and Iowa Land Values
Wendong Zhang
2020 Crop Advantage Series, Multiple Locations in Iowa
Wendong Zhang
2020 Crop Advantage Series, Multiple Locations in Iowa
November 2019
Farmland Ownership and Environmental Impacts
Wendiam Sawadgo and Alejandro Plastina
Annual Agriculture Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Wendiam Sawadgo and Alejandro Plastina
Annual Agriculture Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Chicago, IL
October 2019
Water Quality and Economic Incentives in Crop Production
Alejandro Plastina
North Raccoon River Wathershed Management Coalition, Lake City, IA
Alejandro Plastina
North Raccoon River Wathershed Management Coalition, Lake City, IA
Midwest Crop Farmers' Perceptions of US-China Trade War
Wendong Zhang
2019 NC-1177 Meeting, Dallas, Texas
Wendong Zhang
2019 NC-1177 Meeting, Dallas, Texas
July 2019
June 2019
Co-op 101 and the Principles of Cooperation
Keri Jacobs
Cooperative Intern Day, Iowa Institute for Cooperatives, Huxley Learning Center, Huxley, IA
Keri Jacobs
Cooperative Intern Day, Iowa Institute for Cooperatives, Huxley Learning Center, Huxley, IA
May 2019
Creating Awareness of the Cooperative Model in Your Labor Market
Keri Jacobs
Human Resources/Accountants Spring Conference, Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives, West Des Moines, IA
Keri Jacobs
Human Resources/Accountants Spring Conference, Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives, West Des Moines, IA
Seven Things to Know about China to Understand the Trade War
Wendong Zhang
Farmer Mac Refresher Webinar
Wendong Zhang
Farmer Mac Refresher Webinar
March 2019
Land Ownership and Conservation: Iowa Farmland Ownership and Tenure Survey
Wendong Zhang
State of Iowa Soil Conservation Committee, Des Moines, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
State of Iowa Soil Conservation Committee, Des Moines, Iowa
February 2019
"Governance with a Focus on Strategic Financial Management, Graduate Director Seminar"
Keri Jacobs
Nebraska Cooperative Council, Lincoln, NE
Keri Jacobs
Nebraska Cooperative Council, Lincoln, NE
Seven Things You Should Know About China to Understand the Trade War
Wendong Zhang
ASFMRA Iowa Chapter Annual Conference, Ames, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
ASFMRA Iowa Chapter Annual Conference, Ames, Iowa
January 2019
"Co-op 101 and Director Basics, Director Certification Program"
Keri Jacobs
Iowa Institute for Cooperatives, Cedar Falls, IA
Keri Jacobs
Iowa Institute for Cooperatives, Cedar Falls, IA
"Cooperative Financial Statements and Analysis, Director Certification Program"
Keri Jacobs
Iowa Institute for Cooperatives, Storm Lake, IA
Keri Jacobs
Iowa Institute for Cooperatives, Storm Lake, IA
Impact of Tax Reform and Section 199A on Agricultural Cooperatives and Members
Keri Jacobs
NCERA-210 Research Committee and eXtension Cooperatives for Community of Practice Webinar
Keri Jacobs
NCERA-210 Research Committee and eXtension Cooperatives for Community of Practice Webinar
"Governance with a Focus on Strategic Financial Management, Minnesota Cooperative Leadership Program"
Keri Jacobs
Cooperative Network, Morton, MN
Keri Jacobs
Cooperative Network, Morton, MN
"Board Leadership and Strategic Planning, Director Certification Program"
Keri Jacobs
Nebraska Cooperative Council, Kearney, NE
Keri Jacobs
Nebraska Cooperative Council, Kearney, NE
"Cooperative Financial Statements and Analysis, Director Certification Program"
Keri Jacobs
Nebraska Cooperative Council, Kearney, NE
Keri Jacobs
Nebraska Cooperative Council, Kearney, NE
December 2018
Cooperative Financial Statements
Keri Jacobs
Mid Management Development-Phase I, Iowa Institute for Cooperatives, Ames, IA
Keri Jacobs
Mid Management Development-Phase I, Iowa Institute for Cooperatives, Ames, IA
Farm Safety Net
Alejandro Plastina
Invited Presentation to the 76th Annual Professional Agriculture Workers Conference organized by Tuskegee University. Opelika, Alabama.
Alejandro Plastina
Invited Presentation to the 76th Annual Professional Agriculture Workers Conference organized by Tuskegee University. Opelika, Alabama.
November 2018
Land values and interest rates: will Iowa farms sink or swim?
Alejandro Plastina
2018 Integrated Crop Management Conference, Ames, IA
Alejandro Plastina
2018 Integrated Crop Management Conference, Ames, IA
What the Trade Disruptions with China Mean for Iowa and US Agriculture
Wendong Zhang
2018 Pro-Ag Outlook Meetings, Various Locations in Iowa
Wendong Zhang
2018 Pro-Ag Outlook Meetings, Various Locations in Iowa
The Sec 199A Pass-through Deduction: What it Means for Producers and Co-ops
Keri Jacobs
Iowa State ProAg Series, Carroll County Extension Office, Carroll, IA
Keri Jacobs
Iowa State ProAg Series, Carroll County Extension Office, Carroll, IA
Governance and Cooperative Value: Lessons from Five Texas Cooperatives
Keri Jacobs
NCERA-210 Annual Conference, St. Paul, MN
Keri Jacobs
NCERA-210 Annual Conference, St. Paul, MN
Analyzing the Impact of Section 199A on Agricultural Cooperatives (selected paper)
Keri Jacobs
NCERA-210 Annual Conference, St. Paul, MN
Keri Jacobs
NCERA-210 Annual Conference, St. Paul, MN
China as the Leading Trade Partner of US Agriculture
Wendong Zhang
89th ASFMRA Annual Conference, Chandler, AZ
Wendong Zhang
89th ASFMRA Annual Conference, Chandler, AZ
October 2018
Sec 199A Pass-through Decisions for Co-op Boards
Keri Jacobs
Iowa Institute for Cooperatives CFO/Controller Conference, Ames, IA
Keri Jacobs
Iowa Institute for Cooperatives CFO/Controller Conference, Ames, IA
September 2018
Minnesota and Dakota Land Values, and Tariff Impacts on US Agriculture
Wendong Zhang
Minneapolis, MN
Wendong Zhang
Minneapolis, MN
August 2018
Producer Cooperatives and Membership in a Dynamic Marketplace
Keri Jacobs
FFA Enrichment Center, Ankeny, Iowa
Keri Jacobs
FFA Enrichment Center, Ankeny, Iowa
July 2018
Consolidation and Producer Impacts in U.S. Ag Co-ops: Is Bigger Better?
Keri Jacobs
ICA 2018 Research Conference, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands
Keri Jacobs
ICA 2018 Research Conference, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands
June 2018
2017 Iowa Farmland Ownership and Tenure Survey
Wendong Zhang and Alejandro Plastina
ISU Alumni Center
Wendong Zhang and Alejandro Plastina
ISU Alumni Center
What Does a Trade War with China Look Like?
Wendong Zhang and Chad E. Hart
Iowa Institute of Cooperatives Summer Workshop Huxley, Iowa
Wendong Zhang and Chad E. Hart
Iowa Institute of Cooperatives Summer Workshop Huxley, Iowa
Foundations of Cooperatives
Keri Jacobs
Iowa Cooperative Intern Day, Huxley, Iowa
Keri Jacobs
Iowa Cooperative Intern Day, Huxley, Iowa
May 2018
What the Sec 199A Tax Feature Means for Co-ops and Producers
Keri Jacobs
North Central Farm Management Extension Committee, Ames, Iowa
Keri Jacobs
North Central Farm Management Extension Committee, Ames, Iowa
Challenges Facing Agricultural Co-operatives: Consolidation, Efficiency and Market Power
Keri Jacobs
Invited Joint Seminar, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Centre for the Study of Co-operatives, University of Seskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada
Keri Jacobs
Invited Joint Seminar, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Centre for the Study of Co-operatives, University of Seskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada
April 2018
Economics of Cover Crops (04-2018)
Alejandro Plastina and Sarah Carlson
Soil Health Institute Webinar
Alejandro Plastina and Sarah Carlson
Soil Health Institute Webinar
What the Tax Reform Means for Your Cooperative and Its Members
Keri Jacobs
Cooperative Network's Dairy Issues Forum, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Keri Jacobs
Cooperative Network's Dairy Issues Forum, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
March 2018
Economics of Cover Crops (03-2018)
Alejandro Plastina
ANR at Noon, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Alejandro Plastina
ANR at Noon, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
China Enters “New Era”: What It Means for US and Global Agriculture (03-08-2018)
Wendong Zhang
Security Savings Bank 2018 Spring Ag Update Meeting, Eagle Grove, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
Security Savings Bank 2018 Spring Ag Update Meeting, Eagle Grove, Iowa
Dovetailing Member Value and Expectations with Strategic Financial Management
Keri Jacobs
Minnesota Grain and Feed Association Annual Convention, Prior Lake, Minnesota
Keri Jacobs
Minnesota Grain and Feed Association Annual Convention, Prior Lake, Minnesota
February 2018
Update on US Land Values and Cash Rents
Wendong Zhang
USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum, Arlington, Virginia
Wendong Zhang
USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum, Arlington, Virginia
Update on Iowa Farmland Market and China Ag Economy
Wendong Zhang
Farmland Owners Workshop, Altoona, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
Farmland Owners Workshop, Altoona, Iowa
For Your RINformation: An Update on RIN Markets
Gabe Lade
National Ethanol Conference, San Antonio Texas
Gabe Lade
National Ethanol Conference, San Antonio Texas
China Enters “New Era”: What It Means for US and Global Agriculture (02-13-2018)
Wendong Zhang
Iowa AgriBiz Showcase and Conference, Des Moines, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
Iowa AgriBiz Showcase and Conference, Des Moines, Iowa
China Enters “New Era”: What It Means for US and Global Agriculture (02-08-2018)
Wendong Zhang
Growmark Invision Grower Meeting, Tama, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
Growmark Invision Grower Meeting, Tama, Iowa
January 2018
The Impacts of China on U.S. Ag Trade and Ag Economy
Wendong Zhang and Dermot J. Hayes
ASFMRA Iowa Chapter Annual Meeting 2018 Ames, Iowa
Wendong Zhang and Dermot J. Hayes
ASFMRA Iowa Chapter Annual Meeting 2018 Ames, Iowa
China Enters “New Era”: What It Means for US and Global Agriculture (01-26-2018)
Wendong Zhang
2018 Land Investment Expo West Des Moines, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
2018 Land Investment Expo West Des Moines, Iowa
Understanding Cooperative Financials and Impacts to Your Farm
Keri Jacobs
Production and Marketing Risk Seminar, Iowa State Bank & Sac Realty & Insurance, Sac City, Iowa
Keri Jacobs
Production and Marketing Risk Seminar, Iowa State Bank & Sac Realty & Insurance, Sac City, Iowa
Impact of the 2017 Tax Reform and Jobs Act on Ag Cooperatives
Brian Briggeman, Phil Kenkel, and Keri Jacobs
Brian Briggeman, Phil Kenkel, and Keri Jacobs
Seeing Red: How China Influences Your Grain, Livestock Prices
Wendong Zhang
2018 Farm Futures Summit, Coralville, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
2018 Farm Futures Summit, Coralville, Iowa
How do cover crops affect whole farm profitability?
Alejandro Plastina
Practical Farmers of Iowa Annual Conference, Ames, Iowa
Alejandro Plastina
Practical Farmers of Iowa Annual Conference, Ames, Iowa
December 2017
Consolidation and Competition in Midwest Agriculture: Are these Game-Changers?
Keri Jacobs
University of Minnesota Crop Pest Management Short Course
Keri Jacobs
University of Minnesota Crop Pest Management Short Course
November 2017
Becoming a Cooperative Board Influencer
Keri Jacobs
ISUEO Women in Ag Leadership Conference, Ames, Iowa
Keri Jacobs
ISUEO Women in Ag Leadership Conference, Ames, Iowa
Pressing Issues of Ag Cooperatives and Their Producer-Members
Keri Jacobs
ISUEO Pro-Ag Meeting, Fort Dodge & Mason City, Iowa
Keri Jacobs
ISUEO Pro-Ag Meeting, Fort Dodge & Mason City, Iowa
Economic Trade-offs of Agricultural Consolidation
Keri Jacobs
Farmer Cooperatives Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota
Keri Jacobs
Farmer Cooperatives Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota
October 2017
Economic Analysis of Farmland Market: Another Introduction
Wendong Zhang
Guest Lecture for FIN 450X: Real Estate Analysis, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
Guest Lecture for FIN 450X: Real Estate Analysis, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Do Agricultural Professionals Self-Correct in Expert Opinion Surveys? Panel Data Evidence from Iowa
Wendong Zhang, Sergio H. Lence, and Todd Kuethe
National Agricultural Credit Meeting / NC-1177 Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Wendong Zhang, Sergio H. Lence, and Todd Kuethe
National Agricultural Credit Meeting / NC-1177 Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota
September 2017
The Next Generation of Iowa Farmers
Wendong Zhang
Panelist for Iowa Ideas 2017 Conference, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
Panelist for Iowa Ideas 2017 Conference, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Iowa Farmland Market Update: Where Are We Headed?
Wendong Zhang
2017 Ag Law Seminar, Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation, Ames, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
2017 Ag Law Seminar, Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation, Ames, Iowa
Price Formation and Price Risk Management in the U.S. Swine Industry
Lee Schulz
6th U.S.-China Swine Industry Symposium, Beijing, China
Lee Schulz
6th U.S.-China Swine Industry Symposium, Beijing, China
August 2017
Partial budgets for cover crops in Midwest row crop farming
Alejandro Plastina
Conservation Infrastructure (CI) - Cover Crops Working Group, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation - West Des Moines, Iowa
Alejandro Plastina
Conservation Infrastructure (CI) - Cover Crops Working Group, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation - West Des Moines, Iowa
Iowa Farm Financial Conditions
Alejandro Plastina
2017 AAEA Extension Track Session on Financial Conditions of Midwestern Farms. Chicago, Illinois
Alejandro Plastina
2017 AAEA Extension Track Session on Financial Conditions of Midwestern Farms. Chicago, Illinois
June 2017
Chinese Agricultural Economy Update
Wendong Zhang
Iowa Institute of Cooperatives Summer Workshop, Huxley, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
Iowa Institute of Cooperatives Summer Workshop, Huxley, Iowa
Iowa Farmland Market Update (06-2017)
Wendong Zhang
2017 Ag Credit School, Scheman Building, Ames, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
2017 Ag Credit School, Scheman Building, Ames, Iowa
May 2017
Understanding the U.S. Farm Bill: Policy to Practice
John D. Lawrence and Wendong Zhang
Presentation to the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture, Agricultural Trade Promotion Center delegation, Ames, Iowa
John D. Lawrence and Wendong Zhang
Presentation to the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture, Agricultural Trade Promotion Center delegation, Ames, Iowa
April 2017
U.S. Farmland Market Update
Wendong Zhang
Current Trends in U.S. Farm Income, Farm Income Volatility, and Farmland Values: What’s the story?, USDA Economist’s Group & C-FARE
Wendong Zhang
Current Trends in U.S. Farm Income, Farm Income Volatility, and Farmland Values: What’s the story?, USDA Economist’s Group & C-FARE
Iowa Farmland Market Update: Where Are We Going?
Wendong Zhang
ANR Crops and Agricultural Engineering Spring In-Service
Wendong Zhang
ANR Crops and Agricultural Engineering Spring In-Service
March 2017
Cooperative Challenges and Pressure on Leadership
Keri Jacobs
Master of Agribusiness Program, Cooperative Symposium, Texas A&M University
Keri Jacobs
Master of Agribusiness Program, Cooperative Symposium, Texas A&M University
Farmland Leasing Trends
Alejandro Plastina
American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraiser – Iowa Chapter. Spring Seminar. March 22. Ames, Iowa
Alejandro Plastina
American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraiser – Iowa Chapter. Spring Seminar. March 22. Ames, Iowa
Co-op Finance and Equity Basics: Generating Value
Keri Jacobs
Mid Iowa Cooperative Leadership Team Workshop, Conrad, Iowa
Keri Jacobs
Mid Iowa Cooperative Leadership Team Workshop, Conrad, Iowa
Boards & Management: Responsibilities, Limitations, and Challenges in Navigating Both
Keri Jacobs
Iowa Communications Alliance, 4th Annual Meeting & Expo, Des Moines, Iowa
Keri Jacobs
Iowa Communications Alliance, 4th Annual Meeting & Expo, Des Moines, Iowa
Farm Financial Outlook
Alejandro Plastina
NACM Heartland - National Agriculture Retail. Credit Exchange Group. Ankeny, Iowa
Alejandro Plastina
NACM Heartland - National Agriculture Retail. Credit Exchange Group. Ankeny, Iowa
February 2017
Economic Analysis of Farmland Market: An Introduction
Wendong Zhang
Guest Lecture for FIN 450X: Analytical Methods in Finance, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
Guest Lecture for FIN 450X: Analytical Methods in Finance, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Insights for Improved Participation in the Delivery of Corn Stover to Cellulosic Ethanol Plants
Keri Jacobs
C-FARE and USDA OCE hosted discussion at the National Press Club, Washington, D.C.
Keri Jacobs
C-FARE and USDA OCE hosted discussion at the National Press Club, Washington, D.C.
Agricultural Land Management and Downstream Water Quality: Insights from Lake Erie (02-2017)
Wendong Zhang
2017 Iowa AgBiz Showcase & Conference, Des Moines, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
2017 Iowa AgBiz Showcase & Conference, Des Moines, Iowa
Introduction to Farmland Market: Iowa and Beyond
Wendong Zhang
Guest Lecture for Econ 235: Agricultural Firms, Markets and Prices, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
Guest Lecture for Econ 235: Agricultural Firms, Markets and Prices, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Cooperative Leadership and Governance: Who is Responsible?
Keri Jacobs
IAEC Iowa Director’s Update, West Des Moines, Iowa
Keri Jacobs
IAEC Iowa Director’s Update, West Des Moines, Iowa
Consolidation and Competition in Ag: Are These Game Changers?
Keri Jacobs
Iowa Chapter of American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers’ Annual Meeting
Keri Jacobs
Iowa Chapter of American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers’ Annual Meeting
January 2017
Managing Margins in 2017
Alejandro Plastina
12th Farming for the Future Conference, Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers, Quality Inn Hotel, Ames, Iowa
Alejandro Plastina
12th Farming for the Future Conference, Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers, Quality Inn Hotel, Ames, Iowa
What’s the Story on Iowa’s Falling Land Prices
Wendong Zhang
Mutual Insurance Agents of Iowa (MIAI) Global Agriculture Conference, Ames, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
Mutual Insurance Agents of Iowa (MIAI) Global Agriculture Conference, Ames, Iowa
Agricultural Land Management and Downstream Water Quality: Insights from Lake Erie (01-2017)
Wendong Zhang
2017 Crop Advantage Series, Okoboji and Davenport, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
2017 Crop Advantage Series, Okoboji and Davenport, Iowa
What’s Going On in China: Corn, GMO, Crop Insurance, and High-Speed Rails
Wendong Zhang
2017 Crop Advantage Series, Sheldon and Okoboji, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
2017 Crop Advantage Series, Sheldon and Okoboji, Iowa
December 2016
November 2016
What are financially successful farms doing differently?
Alejandro Plastina
Presented at the Pro-Ag Meetings, Spencer and Le Mars, Iowa
Alejandro Plastina
Presented at the Pro-Ag Meetings, Spencer and Le Mars, Iowa
October 2016
Returns of Investment in Farmland v.s. S&P 500
Wendong Zhang
2016 Agri-Investor Forum, Chicago, Illinois
Wendong Zhang
2016 Agri-Investor Forum, Chicago, Illinois
Golden Era and Farm Crisis: Are We Seeing a Replay of the 1920s and 1980s Farm Crisis
Wendong Zhang
National Agricultural Credit Committee/NC-1177 Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado
Wendong Zhang
National Agricultural Credit Committee/NC-1177 Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado
September 2016
Sustainability of Agro-Ecosystems; An Economist’s Perspective
Wendong Zhang
Iowa State University Sustainable Agriculture Graduate Program Colloquium, Ames, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
Iowa State University Sustainable Agriculture Graduate Program Colloquium, Ames, Iowa
April 2016
Research Needs and Challenges in the Food, Energy and Water System: Agriculture in the Cornbelt
Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the Fate of the Earth Symposium 2016
Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the Fate of the Earth Symposium 2016
February 2016
Theoretical Production Restrictions and Measures of Technical Change in U.S. Agriculture
Alejandro Plastina and Sergio H. Lence
Presented at the NC-1034 Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida
Alejandro Plastina and Sergio H. Lence
Presented at the NC-1034 Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida
Reducing the Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone: how integrated water quality modeling can help design cost effective solutions
Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the University of Oklahoma
Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the University of Oklahoma
December 2015
Who Buys and Owns Iowa’s Farmland?
Wendong Zhang
27th Integrated Crop Management Conference of ISU, Scheman Building, Ames, Iowa
Wendong Zhang
27th Integrated Crop Management Conference of ISU, Scheman Building, Ames, Iowa
April 2015
Economics of HABs: Benefits and Costs of Prevention
Catherine L. Kling
Presented at Bowling Green State University
Catherine L. Kling
Presented at Bowling Green State University
July 2014
United States Pork Production
Lee Schulz, Catherine Hayes, and Dermot J. Hayes
Lee Schulz, Catherine Hayes, and Dermot J. Hayes
October 2013
Linking Externalities from the Land to their Consequences in the Sea: A Model of Land Use, Costs, Hydrology and the Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone
Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the Water Resources Conference, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the Water Resources Conference, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Agricultural Water Pollution: Some Policy Considerations
Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the Iowa Environmental Council Annual Meeting
Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the Iowa Environmental Council Annual Meeting
March 2013
Regulatory Approaches to Address Agricultural Water Quality
Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the Iowa Water Conference
Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the Iowa Water Conference
February 2013
Designing Practice Based Approaches for Water Quality Improvement
Catherine L. Kling
Upper Midwest Stream Restoration Symposium, La Crosse, Wisconsin
Catherine L. Kling
Upper Midwest Stream Restoration Symposium, La Crosse, Wisconsin
January 2013
Water Quality: Corn vs. Switchgrass (and Economics too)
Catherine L. Kling
Prepared for: Roundtable on Environmental Health Sciences, Research, and Medicine “The Nexus of Biofuels Energy, Climate Change, and Health” Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences
Catherine L. Kling
Prepared for: Roundtable on Environmental Health Sciences, Research, and Medicine “The Nexus of Biofuels Energy, Climate Change, and Health” Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences
August 2012
Biofuels and Food Prices
Bruce A. Babcock
Presentation at a conference sponsored by the Agricultural Trade Promotion Center, Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and the International Center for Sustainable Trade Policy , Beijing China
Bruce A. Babcock
Presentation at a conference sponsored by the Agricultural Trade Promotion Center, Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and the International Center for Sustainable Trade Policy , Beijing China
Current State of U.S. Ethanol
Bruce A. Babcock
International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil
Bruce A. Babcock
International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil
June 2012
The Economics of Dead Zones: Linking Externalities from the Land to the their Consequences in the Sea
Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the Nanyang Technological University and Michigan State University International Conference on the Economics and Policy of Water and the Environment, Mandarin Orchard, Singapore
Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the Nanyang Technological University and Michigan State University International Conference on the Economics and Policy of Water and the Environment, Mandarin Orchard, Singapore
April 2012
Market-Based Regulation of Agricultural Nonpoint Source Externalities
Catherine L. Kling
Supported by USDA Economic Research Service, the Farm Foundation, and Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C.
Catherine L. Kling
Supported by USDA Economic Research Service, the Farm Foundation, and Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C.
February 2012
Markets and Regulation: Alternatives or Complements?
Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the 2012 Agricultural Outlook Forum, sponsored by USDA, Washington, D.C.
Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the 2012 Agricultural Outlook Forum, sponsored by USDA, Washington, D.C.
December 2011
The Potential for Agricultural Land Use Changes in the Raccoon River Basin to Reduce Flood Risk
Catherine L. Kling, Philip W. Gassman, Keith E. Schilling, Calvin F. Wolter, Manoj K. Jha, and Todd D. Campbell
Presented at the University of Iowa Hydraulics Laboratory, Iowa City, Iowa
Catherine L. Kling, Philip W. Gassman, Keith E. Schilling, Calvin F. Wolter, Manoj K. Jha, and Todd D. Campbell
Presented at the University of Iowa Hydraulics Laboratory, Iowa City, Iowa
May 2011
Feeding Frenzy: Managing High Input Costs
Bruce A. Babcock
National Dairy Producers Conference, Omaha, Nebraska
Bruce A. Babcock
National Dairy Producers Conference, Omaha, Nebraska
April 2011
The State of Biofuel Today
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Berkeley Bioeconomy Conference, March 24, University of California at Berkeley, California
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Berkeley Bioeconomy Conference, March 24, University of California at Berkeley, California
February 2011
Future of Ethanol Tax Policy
Bruce A. Babcock
Presentation at the 2011 National Ethanol Conference, Phoenix, Arizona (audio included)
Bruce A. Babcock
Presentation at the 2011 National Ethanol Conference, Phoenix, Arizona (audio included)
August 2010
Economic Incentives to Improve Water Quality in Agricultural Landscapes: Some New Variations on Old Ideas
Catherine L. Kling
Fellows Address presented at the 2010 Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado
Catherine L. Kling
Fellows Address presented at the 2010 Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado
December 2009
Statement at the hearing on costs and benefits of domestic offsets
Dermot J. Hayes
U.S. House Committee on Agriculture, Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Energy, and Research, Washington, D.C.
Dermot J. Hayes
U.S. House Committee on Agriculture, Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Energy, and Research, Washington, D.C.
November 2009
Effect of Potential Future Climate Change on Cost-Effective Nonpoint Source Pollution Reduction Strategies in the UMRB
Manoj K. Jha, Philip W. Gassman, Gene Takle, Catherine L. Kling, and Sergey Rabotyagov
Manoj K. Jha, Philip W. Gassman, Gene Takle, Catherine L. Kling, and Sergey Rabotyagov
September 2009
Watershed Advisory Council First Meeting
Catherine L. Kling, Philip W. Gassman, and Manoj K. Jha
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Catherine L. Kling, Philip W. Gassman, and Manoj K. Jha
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
May 2009
Statement at the hearing on indirect land use and renewable biomass provisions of the Renewable Fuels Standard
Bruce A. Babcock
Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Energy, and Research of the U.S. House Committee on Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
Bruce A. Babcock
Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Energy, and Research of the U.S. House Committee on Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
Towards an Integrated Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Model: Greenhouse Gases from Agriculture Simulation Model (GreenAgSiM)
Jerome Dumortier and Dermot J. Hayes
Jerome Dumortier and Dermot J. Hayes
February 2009
The ACRE Decision
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the North Dakota Corn Growers Association Annual Convention, Fargo, North Dakota
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the North Dakota Corn Growers Association Annual Convention, Fargo, North Dakota
November 2008
Outlook for Agriculture: Does a Downturn Loom?
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Pro-Ag Meeting in Fort Dodge, Iowa, November 12
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Pro-Ag Meeting in Fort Dodge, Iowa, November 12
August 2008
Statement of Bruce A. Babcock before the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee, Omaha Field Hearing on Food, Feed and Fuel Production
Bruce A. Babcock
University of Nebraska, Omaha, August 18, 2008
Bruce A. Babcock
University of Nebraska, Omaha, August 18, 2008
July 2008
Hog Feed Price Protection
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the “New Dimensions in Livestock Risk” conference, Iowa Farm Bureau, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the “New Dimensions in Livestock Risk” conference, Iowa Farm Bureau, Ames, Iowa
Feed Costs: Longer Term
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the “New Dimensions in Livestock Risk” conference, Iowa Farm Bureau, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the “New Dimensions in Livestock Risk” conference, Iowa Farm Bureau, Ames, Iowa
Branding Agricultural Products (in English)
Roxanne Clemens
Prepared for the U.S. Embassy’s Speaker Program on Food Branding in Montenegro, June 23-27, 2008
Roxanne Clemens
Prepared for the U.S. Embassy’s Speaker Program on Food Branding in Montenegro, June 23-27, 2008
Branding Agricultural Products (in Montenegrin)
Roxanne Clemens
Prepared for the U.S. Embassy’s Speaker Program on Food Branding in Montenegro, June 23-27, 2008
Roxanne Clemens
Prepared for the U.S. Embassy’s Speaker Program on Food Branding in Montenegro, June 23-27, 2008
June 2008
Bioenergy Policies
Chad E. Hart
Presented for the International Visitor Leadership Program, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented for the International Visitor Leadership Program, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
The 2008 Farm Bill (06-2008)
Chad E. Hart
Presented for Ag Credit School, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented for Ag Credit School, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Risk Factors in Agriculture
Chad E. Hart
Presented for Ag Credit School, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented for Ag Credit School, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
May 2008
Looking at the Economics of the Next Generation of Biofuels
Chad E. Hart
Presented for the lecture series “Breeding Lignocellulosic Crops for the Bioeconomy,” Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented for the lecture series “Breeding Lignocellulosic Crops for the Bioeconomy,” Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Overview of Ethanol in the Ag Economy
Chad E. Hart
Presented for the “Biofuels and the Rural Economy” conference, The Center for Towncraft, Perry, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented for the “Biofuels and the Rural Economy” conference, The Center for Towncraft, Perry, Iowa
Impact of Biofuels on Planted Acreage in Market Equilibrium
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the workshop “Sustainable Biofuels and Human Security,” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the workshop “Sustainable Biofuels and Human Security,” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois
Statement before the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, Hearing on Fuel Subsidies and Impact on Food Prices
Bruce A. Babcock
Oral statement presented before the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, May 7, 2008, Washington, D.C.
Bruce A. Babcock
Oral statement presented before the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, May 7, 2008, Washington, D.C.
April 2008
U.S. Farm Bill Update (04-2008)
Chad E. Hart
Presented at inservice education for Farm and Business Extension, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at inservice education for Farm and Business Extension, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Bio-Renewable Energy’s Impact on Agriculture and the Economy
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR
Socio-Economic Impacts of U.S. Ethanol
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented to an ag leadership group, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented to an ag leadership group, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
March 2008
U.S. Farm Bill Update (03-2008)
Chad E. Hart
Presented for the Iowa chapters of ASFMRA and ALI, Joint Spring Seminar, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented for the Iowa chapters of ASFMRA and ALI, Joint Spring Seminar, Ames, Iowa
Biofuels and Water Quality in the Midwest: Corn vs. Switchgrass
Silvia Secchi, Philip W. Gassman, Manoj K. Jha, Lyubov A. Kurkalova, and Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the Iowa Water Conference, Ames, Iowa (February 2008), and the Ecological Society of America Biofuels Conference, Washington, D.C.
Silvia Secchi, Philip W. Gassman, Manoj K. Jha, Lyubov A. Kurkalova, and Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the Iowa Water Conference, Ames, Iowa (February 2008), and the Ecological Society of America Biofuels Conference, Washington, D.C.
February 2008
Least Cost Control of Agricultural Nutrient Contributions to Local Waters and the Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone
Sergey Rabotyagov, Todd D. Campbell, Manoj K. Jha, Philip W. Gassman, Jeffrey Arnold, Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Silvia Secchi, Hongli H. Feng, and Catherine L. Kling
Department of Economics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Sergey Rabotyagov, Todd D. Campbell, Manoj K. Jha, Philip W. Gassman, Jeffrey Arnold, Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Silvia Secchi, Hongli H. Feng, and Catherine L. Kling
Department of Economics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
January 2008
Farm Bills and Energy Acts
Chad E. Hart
Presented to farmer advisors at ISU Extension Farm Financial Planning Program, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented to farmer advisors at ISU Extension Farm Financial Planning Program, Ames, Iowa
November 2007
Bottlenecks and Oil Price Spikes: Impact on U.S. Ethanol and Agriculture (11-02-2007)
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the 2007 Swine Disease for Practitioners Conference XV, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the 2007 Swine Disease for Practitioners Conference XV, Ames, Iowa
Status of the 2007 Farm Bill and the Bioeconomy
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the 2007 Pro-Ag Outlook Workshop, Williamsburg, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the 2007 Pro-Ag Outlook Workshop, Williamsburg, Iowa
The Outlook for Ethanol, Corn, and Beef
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the Beef Quality Summit: Beef Quality in the Ethanol Era, in Omaha, Nebraska
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the Beef Quality Summit: Beef Quality in the Ethanol Era, in Omaha, Nebraska
Bottlenecks and Oil Price Spikes: Impact on U.S. Ethanol and Agriculture (11-01-2007)
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the Iowa Egg Industry Symposium 2007, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the Iowa Egg Industry Symposium 2007, Ames, Iowa
Economic Sustainability
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the 2007 Biobased Industry Outlook Conference, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the 2007 Biobased Industry Outlook Conference, Ames, Iowa
October 2007
Iowa Conservation Practices: Historical Investments, Water Quality, and Gaps (10-2007)
Catherine L. Kling, Hongli H. Feng, and Philip W. Gassman
Progress report presented at Iowa Farm Bureau Federation offices
Catherine L. Kling, Hongli H. Feng, and Philip W. Gassman
Progress report presented at Iowa Farm Bureau Federation offices
Bottlenecks, Drought, and Oil Price Spikes: Impact on U.S. Ethanol and Agriculture
Chad E. Hart
Presented to the Minnesota Economic Association, St. Paul, Minnesota
Chad E. Hart
Presented to the Minnesota Economic Association, St. Paul, Minnesota
Bottlenecks and Oil Price Spikes: Impact on U.S. Ethanol and Agriculture (10-01-2007)
Chad E. Hart
Presented in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
Chad E. Hart
Presented in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
Let’s Talk About Ethanol
Chad E. Hart
Presented at ISU Farm Management Field Specialist In-Service, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at ISU Farm Management Field Specialist In-Service, Ames, Iowa
The 2008 Farm Bill (10-2007)
Chad E. Hart
Presented at ISU Farm Management Field Specialist In-Service, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at ISU Farm Management Field Specialist In-Service, Ames, Iowa
September 2007
Bottlenecks and Oil Price Spikes: Impact on U.S. Ethanol and Agriculture (09-02-2007)
Chad E. Hart
Presented at 2007 Iowa Poultry Association Fall Festival, West Des Moines, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at 2007 Iowa Poultry Association Fall Festival, West Des Moines, Iowa
Bottlenecks and Oil Price Spikes: Impact on U.S. Ethanol and Agriculture (09-01-2007)
Chad E. Hart
Presented at Commodity Markets Council/Transportation, Elevator & Grain Merchants Association Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
Chad E. Hart
Presented at Commodity Markets Council/Transportation, Elevator & Grain Merchants Association Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) for Dairy
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at an in-service training session for crop insurance agents, University of Maryland, Bowie, Maryland
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at an in-service training session for crop insurance agents, University of Maryland, Bowie, Maryland
U.S. Ethanol Industry Outlook: Socio/Economic Impact of a Booming Ethanol Industry
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at ProBeef 07: A Global View of the Ethanol Industry and Beef Cattle, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at ProBeef 07: A Global View of the Ethanol Industry and Beef Cattle, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
August 2007
Emerging Biofuels: Outlook of Effects on U.S. Grain, Oilseed, and Livestock Markets
Simla Tokgöz
Presented at Midwest, Great Plains, and Western Agricultural Outlook Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana
Simla Tokgöz
Presented at Midwest, Great Plains, and Western Agricultural Outlook Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana
Bioeconomy Impacts on Midwestern Agriculture
Chad E. Hart
Presented at Iowa Maintenance Training Expo, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at Iowa Maintenance Training Expo, Ames, Iowa
An Analysis of the Long-Run Impact of Ethanol Expansion on Agricultural Markets (08-2007)
Chad E. Hart
Presentation for representatives from Nidera, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presentation for representatives from Nidera, Ames, Iowa
June 2007
An Analysis of the Long-Run Impact of Ethanol Expansion on Agricultural Markets (06-2007)
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the Global Agricultural Forum 2007, Panel IV: Food or Biofuels, in Mexico City
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the Global Agricultural Forum 2007, Panel IV: Food or Biofuels, in Mexico City
An Overview of Federal Farm Bill Titles
Chad E. Hart
Presented at ISU Agriculture and Natural Resources Lunch and Learn, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at ISU Agriculture and Natural Resources Lunch and Learn, Ames, Iowa
May 2007
Proposals for the 2008 Farm Bill (05-2007)
Chad E. Hart
Presented at an ISU Extension Specialist Meeting, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at an ISU Extension Specialist Meeting, Ames, Iowa
Statement before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
Bruce A. Babcock
Hearing on Waste, Fraud, and Abuse in the Federal Crop Insurance Program, Washington, D.C.
Bruce A. Babcock
Hearing on Waste, Fraud, and Abuse in the Federal Crop Insurance Program, Washington, D.C.
April 2007
Facets of the Bioeconomy Affecting the Small Towns of Iowa
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the conference “Community Futures: The Small Town in the Bioeconomy,” Scheman Building, Ames, Iowa
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the conference “Community Futures: The Small Town in the Bioeconomy,” Scheman Building, Ames, Iowa
March 2007
Some Water Quality Impacts of Alternative Energy Crops
Manoj K. Jha, Philip W. Gassman, and Catherine L. Kling
ISU Extension Webcast, Ames, Iowa
Manoj K. Jha, Philip W. Gassman, and Catherine L. Kling
ISU Extension Webcast, Ames, Iowa
Biofuel Impacts on Agriculture
Chad E. Hart
Presented at an ISU Livestock Field Specialist Meeting, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at an ISU Livestock Field Specialist Meeting, Ames, Iowa
Proposals for the 2008 Farm Bill (03-2007)
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the Iowa NAMA meeting, Johnston, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the Iowa NAMA meeting, Johnston, Iowa
Economic Impacts of Biofuels: A Global Perspective
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the 4th annual Life Sciences and Society Symposium “Biofuels: Initiatives, Challenges, and Opportunities,” Columbia, Missouri
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the 4th annual Life Sciences and Society Symposium “Biofuels: Initiatives, Challenges, and Opportunities,” Columbia, Missouri
Farm-Level Incentives and Policy for Growing Alternative Energy Feedstocks
Chad E. Hart and Bruce A. Babcock
ISU Extension Webcast, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart and Bruce A. Babcock
ISU Extension Webcast, Ames, Iowa
February 2007
Revenue-Based Income Safety Nets
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the Iowa Farm Bureau Policy Information Conference, Des Moines, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the Iowa Farm Bureau Policy Information Conference, Des Moines, Iowa
Biofuel Impacts on Midwestern Agriculture (02-2007)
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the West Central Spring Agronomy Update, Owatonna, Minnesota
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the West Central Spring Agronomy Update, Owatonna, Minnesota
Biorenewables: Helping or Hurting the Environment?
Chad E. Hart
Presented at Home Ground: Language for an American Landscape, the third annual Symposium on Wildness, Wilderness & the Creative Imagination, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at Home Ground: Language for an American Landscape, the third annual Symposium on Wildness, Wilderness & the Creative Imagination, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Future of the Bioeconomy and Biofuels: Overview, Industry, and Agriculture
Dan Otto, Chad E. Hart, and John A. Miranowski
Presented to the Iowa Department of Economic Development, Des Moines, Iowa
Dan Otto, Chad E. Hart, and John A. Miranowski
Presented to the Iowa Department of Economic Development, Des Moines, Iowa
Biosecurity: Getting the Incentives Right on the Farm
David A. Hennessy
Presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, San Francisco, California
David A. Hennessy
Presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, San Francisco, California
January 2007
The Long-Run Impact of Corn-Based Ethanol on the Grain, Oilseed, and Livestock Sectors: A Preliminary Assessment
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Iowa Pork Congress, Des Moines, Iowa
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Iowa Pork Congress, Des Moines, Iowa
U.S. Agriculture’s Role in the International Biofuel Market
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the 2007 Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime, and Pest Management Conference, Madison, Wisconsin
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the 2007 Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime, and Pest Management Conference, Madison, Wisconsin
Biofuel Impacts on Midwestern Agriculture (01-2007)
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the 2007 Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime, and Pest Management Conference, Madison, Wisconsin
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the 2007 Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime, and Pest Management Conference, Madison, Wisconsin
November 2006
Valuing Water Quality Through Recreational Uses in Iowa
Joseph A. Herriges, Catherine L. Kling, and John Downing
Presented at the Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioners Conference
Joseph A. Herriges, Catherine L. Kling, and John Downing
Presented at the Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioners Conference
Food, Feed, and Fuel: How Do We Balance the Three for Optimal Growth?
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the “Food, Feed, and Fuel” Working Session at the ISU Bioeconomy Summit
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the “Food, Feed, and Fuel” Working Session at the ISU Bioeconomy Summit
U.S. Farm Policy Choices in 2007
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Outlook Conference 2006, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Outlook Conference 2006, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Comparing Insurance Units for Corn and Soybeans
Chad E. Hart
Presented at “Insuring Iowa’s Agriculture,” Extension continuing education workshop
Chad E. Hart
Presented at “Insuring Iowa’s Agriculture,” Extension continuing education workshop
September 2006
Ethanol and Livestock: Synergies or Competition? (09-2006)
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the 2006 Iowa Poultry Association Fall Festival, Okoboji, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the 2006 Iowa Poultry Association Fall Festival, Okoboji, Iowa
Policies Supporting Cellulosic Ethanol Production
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the Energy Expo 2006, “Legislative and Policy Trends Supporting Renewable Energy,” Iowa City, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the Energy Expo 2006, “Legislative and Policy Trends Supporting Renewable Energy,” Iowa City, Iowa
Statement Before the House Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at a hearing to review federal farm policy
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at a hearing to review federal farm policy
August 2006
Ethanol and Livestock: Synergies or Competition? (08-2006)
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the 2006 Biobased Industry Outlook Conference, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the 2006 Biobased Industry Outlook Conference, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Weaving the Next Agricultural Safety Net
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Ag Summit, Springfield, Illinois
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Ag Summit, Springfield, Illinois
July 2006
Biorenewable Policy Analysis
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at a meeting with Archer Daniels Midland, Decatur, Illinois
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at a meeting with Archer Daniels Midland, Decatur, Illinois
June 2006
Iowa Conservation Practices: Historical Investments, Water Quality, and Gaps (06-2006)
Hongli H. Feng, Philip W. Gassman, Manoj K. Jha, Catherine L. Kling, and J. Parcel
Presented at the Iowa Farm Bureau Conservation and Environmental Issues Conference
Hongli H. Feng, Philip W. Gassman, Manoj K. Jha, Catherine L. Kling, and J. Parcel
Presented at the Iowa Farm Bureau Conservation and Environmental Issues Conference
April 2006
Crop Insurance within the World Trade Organization
Chad E. Hart
Statement before the Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management, U.S. House Committee on Agriculture, on crop insurance within the WTO agricultural agreement
Chad E. Hart
Statement before the Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management, U.S. House Committee on Agriculture, on crop insurance within the WTO agricultural agreement
March 2006
Is Now the Time to Raise Livestock?
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at “Farming Matters: An Iowa Crop and Livestock Forum,” Amana Colonies, Iowa
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at “Farming Matters: An Iowa Crop and Livestock Forum,” Amana Colonies, Iowa
February 2006
Corn and Soybean Issues for 2006
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Bremer County Corn and Soybean Association Annual Meetings
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Bremer County Corn and Soybean Association Annual Meetings
January 2006
FAPRI 2006 World Agricultural Outlook (Amani Elobeid)
Amani Elobeid
Presented at Commodity and Press Briefing at Mercury Room, Holiday Inn, Capitol, 550 C. St. SW, Washington, D.C.
Amani Elobeid
Presented at Commodity and Press Briefing at Mercury Room, Holiday Inn, Capitol, 550 C. St. SW, Washington, D.C.
FAPRI 2006 World Agricultural Outlook (Simla Tokgöz)
Simla Tokgöz
Presented at USDA Briefing at 4433-S USDA South Building (World Ag Outlook Board Room), Washington, D.C.
Simla Tokgöz
Presented at USDA Briefing at 4433-S USDA South Building (World Ag Outlook Board Room), Washington, D.C.
FAPRI 2006 World Agricultural Outlook (Jacinto Fabiosa)
Jacinto Fabiosa
Presented at House Agriculture Committee Briefing at 1300 Longworth Building, Washington, DC, and at Senate Agriculture Committee Briefing at Room 328 Russell Building, Washington, D.C.
Jacinto Fabiosa
Presented at House Agriculture Committee Briefing at 1300 Longworth Building, Washington, DC, and at Senate Agriculture Committee Briefing at Room 328 Russell Building, Washington, D.C.
A New Approach to Providing an Agricultural Safety Net (01-2006)
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at Informa Economics Roundtable Arlington, Virginia
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at Informa Economics Roundtable Arlington, Virginia
The 2007 Farm Bill: More of the Same or a New Path?
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Iowa Corn Growers Meeting in Missouri Valley
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Iowa Corn Growers Meeting in Missouri Valley
December 2005
FAPRI 2006 Preliminary Commodity Baseline - International Sugar
Amani Elobeid
Presented at Holiday Inn, Capitol, 550 C. St. SW, Washington, D.C.
Amani Elobeid
Presented at Holiday Inn, Capitol, 550 C. St. SW, Washington, D.C.
FAPRI 2006 Preliminary Commodity Baseline - International Oilseeds
Tun-Hsiang (Edward) Yu
Presented at Holiday Inn, Capitol, 550 C. St. SW, Washington, D.C.
Tun-Hsiang (Edward) Yu
Presented at Holiday Inn, Capitol, 550 C. St. SW, Washington, D.C.
FAPRI 2006 Preliminary Commodity Baseline - International Grains
Simla Tokgöz
Presented at Holiday Inn, Capitol, 550 C. St. SW, Washington, D.C.
Simla Tokgöz
Presented at Holiday Inn, Capitol, 550 C. St. SW, Washington, D.C.
FAPRI 2006 Preliminary Commodity Baseline - International Dairy
Fengxia Dong
Presented at Holiday Inn, Capitol, 550 C. St. SW, Washington, D.C.
Fengxia Dong
Presented at Holiday Inn, Capitol, 550 C. St. SW, Washington, D.C.
October 2005
A New Approach to Providing an Agricultural Safety Net (10-2005)
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at “21st Century Farm Policy: Challenges and Opportunities” conference, Fargo, North Dakota
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at “21st Century Farm Policy: Challenges and Opportunities” conference, Fargo, North Dakota
Assessing Alternative Policies for the Control of Nutrients in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
Catherine L. Kling, Silvia Secchi, Hongli H. Feng, Philip W. Gassman, Manoj K. Jha, and Lyubov A. Kurkalova
Presented at the Mississippi River Basin Nutrients Science Workshop, St. Louis, Missouri
Catherine L. Kling, Silvia Secchi, Hongli H. Feng, Philip W. Gassman, Manoj K. Jha, and Lyubov A. Kurkalova
Presented at the Mississippi River Basin Nutrients Science Workshop, St. Louis, Missouri
July 2005
Linking the Economic Costs and Water Quality Benefits of Conservation in Agricultural Lands: An Iowa Assessment
Silvia Secchi, Philip W. Gassman, Manoj K. Jha, Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Hongli H. Feng, Todd D. Campbell, and Catherine L. Kling
Silvia Secchi, Philip W. Gassman, Manoj K. Jha, Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Hongli H. Feng, Todd D. Campbell, and Catherine L. Kling
Exterior Forces Shaping the Next Farm Bill: Market Forces
Jacinto Fabiosa
Presented at the ISU Agricultural Policy Summit
Jacinto Fabiosa
Presented at the ISU Agricultural Policy Summit
Costs and Environmental Gains from Conservation Programs
Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the ISU Agricultural Policy Summit
Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the ISU Agricultural Policy Summit
Budgetary, Political, and WTO Forces on the Next Farm Bill
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the ISU Agricultural Policy Summit
Chad E. Hart
Presented at the ISU Agricultural Policy Summit
Are We Where We Want to Be with Commodity Programs?
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the ISU Agricultural Policy Summit
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the ISU Agricultural Policy Summit
Potential Influence of Commodity Policy on Iowa Agriculture
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the ISU Agricultural Policy Summit
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the ISU Agricultural Policy Summit
June 2005
Statement before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at a Hearing to review the Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at a Hearing to review the Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000
March 2005
Integrating Soil and Water Conservation into the Farm Bill
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the ISU Extension “Ag and the Environment” conference, Scheman Building, Iowa State University
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the ISU Extension “Ag and the Environment” conference, Scheman Building, Iowa State University
Effects of Crop Insurance and Government Payments on Annual Financial Risk (03-2005)
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented to the Poweshiek Marketing Club
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented to the Poweshiek Marketing Club
February 2005
Welfare Impacts of Cross-Country Research Spillovers
Dermot J. Hayes
Presented to French Parliament representatives visiting Iowa State University
Dermot J. Hayes
Presented to French Parliament representatives visiting Iowa State University
Effects of Crop Insurance and Government Payments on Annual Financial Risk (02-2005)
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented to the Boone County Marketing Club
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented to the Boone County Marketing Club
January 2005
Risks and Benefits Associated with Biotechnological/Pharmaceutical Crops
Dermot J. Hayes
Presented to a Bioethics symposium, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Dermot J. Hayes
Presented to a Bioethics symposium, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
December 2004
Economic and Biophysical Models to Support Conservation Policy: Hypoxia and Water Quality in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
Hongli H. Feng, Philip W. Gassman, Manoj K. Jha, Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Catherine L. Kling, and Silvia Secchi
USDA Economic Research Service
Hongli H. Feng, Philip W. Gassman, Manoj K. Jha, Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Catherine L. Kling, and Silvia Secchi
USDA Economic Research Service
November 2004
Global Policies and Risk Management
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at Pro-Ag Seminar, Waterloo, IA, and at Pro-Ag Seminar, Amana Colonies
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at Pro-Ag Seminar, Waterloo, IA, and at Pro-Ag Seminar, Amana Colonies
October 2004
Co-benefits from Conservation Policies that Promote Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture: The Corn Belt
Hongli H. Feng, Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Philip W. Gassman, Catherine L. Kling, and Silvia Secchi
Presented at the Forestry and Agriculture Greenhouse Gas Modeling Forum, Shepherdstown, West Virginia
Hongli H. Feng, Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Philip W. Gassman, Catherine L. Kling, and Silvia Secchi
Presented at the Forestry and Agriculture Greenhouse Gas Modeling Forum, Shepherdstown, West Virginia
Recreation Demand Using Physical Measures of Water Quality
Kevin Egan, Joseph A. Herriges, Catherine L. Kling, and John Downing
Presented at the EPA Star Grant Workshop on Ecological Valuation, Washington D.C.
Kevin Egan, Joseph A. Herriges, Catherine L. Kling, and John Downing
Presented at the EPA Star Grant Workshop on Ecological Valuation, Washington D.C.
Trends in Use of Geographic Identification of Food in the United States
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Coldiretti International Forum on Agriculture and Food, Cernobbio, Italy
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Coldiretti International Forum on Agriculture and Food, Cernobbio, Italy
September 2004
SWAT Riparian Zone Workshop presentations
Presented at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Presented at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
August 2004
Upper Mississippi River Basin: In-stream versus Edge-of-Field Assessment Poster
Catherine L. Kling, Hongli H. Feng, Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Silvia Secchi, Philip W. Gassman, Manoj K. Jha, Todd D. Campbell, Arathi Bhaskar, Christopher Burkart, Sanchita Sengupta, and Rebecca Olson (poster design)
Catherine L. Kling, Hongli H. Feng, Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Silvia Secchi, Philip W. Gassman, Manoj K. Jha, Todd D. Campbell, Arathi Bhaskar, Christopher Burkart, Sanchita Sengupta, and Rebecca Olson (poster design)
Risk-Free Farming? Risk-Return Analysis of Soybean Farming under the 2002 Farm Bill
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Midwest Soybeans Conference in Des Moines
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Midwest Soybeans Conference in Des Moines
June 2004
Valuing Water Quality in Midwestern Lake Ecosystems Poster
Kevin Egan, Joseph A. Herriges, Catherine L. Kling, and John Downing
EPA Science Forum
Kevin Egan, Joseph A. Herriges, Catherine L. Kling, and John Downing
EPA Science Forum
March 2004
Economics of Risk Management in Agriculture
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented to Coldiretti, Italy’s major agricultural producer’s association, at a Risk Management in Agriculture conference
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented to Coldiretti, Italy’s major agricultural producer’s association, at a Risk Management in Agriculture conference
February 2004
Valuing Water Quality in Midwestern Lake Ecosystems
Kevin Egan, Joseph A. Herriges, Catherine L. Kling, and John Downing
Presented at the 4th Annual Water Monitoring Conference, Ames, Iowa
Kevin Egan, Joseph A. Herriges, Catherine L. Kling, and John Downing
Presented at the 4th Annual Water Monitoring Conference, Ames, Iowa
Implications of Extending Crop Insurance to Livestock
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at USDA’s Agricultural Outlook Forum
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at USDA’s Agricultural Outlook Forum
January 2004
Trade-off of Carbon Sequestration through Land Retirement versus Working Land
Hongli H. Feng, Lyubov A. Kurkalova, and Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the CASMGS Forum, Texas A&M University
Hongli H. Feng, Lyubov A. Kurkalova, and Catherine L. Kling
Presented at the CASMGS Forum, Texas A&M University
Willingness to Pay Under Uncertainty: Beyond Graham’s Willingness to Pay Locus
Catherine L. Kling and Jinhua Zhao
AERE/AEA, San Diego
Catherine L. Kling and Jinhua Zhao
AERE/AEA, San Diego
November 2003
Living with Hogs in Iowa: The Impact of Livestock Facilities on Rural Residential Property Values
Joseph A. Herriges, Silvia Secchi, and Bruce A. Babcock
Presented to the Iowa Chapter of the Appraisal Institute at the Amana Colonies, Iowa
Joseph A. Herriges, Silvia Secchi, and Bruce A. Babcock
Presented to the Iowa Chapter of the Appraisal Institute at the Amana Colonies, Iowa
September 2003
Spatial Targeting of a Green Payment Policy: A Simulation Framework for the Upper Mississippi River Basin Region
Catherine L. Kling, Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Silvia Secchi, and Philip W. Gassman
Catherine L. Kling, Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Silvia Secchi, and Philip W. Gassman
Application of SWAT for Alternative Management Scenarios for the Upper Mississippi River Basin
Philip W. Gassman, Silvia Secchi, Manoj K. Jha, Jeffrey Arnold, Raghavan Srinivasan, and Santhi Chinnasamy
Philip W. Gassman, Silvia Secchi, Manoj K. Jha, Jeffrey Arnold, Raghavan Srinivasan, and Santhi Chinnasamy
Federal Crop Insurance Migrates to Livestock
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Midwest Pork Conference in Indianapolis
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at the Midwest Pork Conference in Indianapolis
July 2003
Commitment Costs and the Basic Independence Assumption: Evidence from the Field
Catherine L. Kling, J.A. List, and Jinhua Zhao
Catherine L. Kling, J.A. List, and Jinhua Zhao
The Crop Producer’s Risk Management Decisions
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at Pioneer Hi-Bred Corporation employees briefing
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at Pioneer Hi-Bred Corporation employees briefing
June 2003
Alternative Green Payment Policies under Heterogeneity when Multiple Benefits Matter
Jinhua Zhao, Catherine L. Kling, and Lyubov A. Kurkalova
Selected paper, presented at 2003 NAREA Workshop “Linkages between Agricultural and Conservation Policies,” Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Jinhua Zhao, Catherine L. Kling, and Lyubov A. Kurkalova
Selected paper, presented at 2003 NAREA Workshop “Linkages between Agricultural and Conservation Policies,” Portsmouth, New Hampshire
May 2003
Application of SWAT for the Upper Mississippi River Basin
Silvia Secchi, Philip W. Gassman, Manoj K. Jha, and Jeffrey Arnold
Silvia Secchi, Philip W. Gassman, Manoj K. Jha, and Jeffrey Arnold
March 2003
Estimation of a Discrete Choice Model When Individual Choices Are Not Observable
Lyubov A. Kurkalova and Sergey Rabotyagov
Selected paper, presented at Midwest Economics Association meetings, St. Louis, Missouri
Lyubov A. Kurkalova and Sergey Rabotyagov
Selected paper, presented at Midwest Economics Association meetings, St. Louis, Missouri
February 2003
Costs and Environmental Effects from Conservation Tillage Adoption in Iowa
Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Catherine L. Kling, and Jinhua Zhao
Presented at the University of Toulouse, France
Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Catherine L. Kling, and Jinhua Zhao
Presented at the University of Toulouse, France
December 2002
The Interface of Simulation Modeling and Local Citizens in Two Eastern Iowa Watersheds
Philip W. Gassman, Ali Saleh, and John Rodecap
Philip W. Gassman, Ali Saleh, and John Rodecap
November 2002
The Value of Accurate, Field-Scale, Soil Carbon Assessment Technology: Conservation Tillage in Iowa
Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Catherine L. Kling, and Jinhua Zhao
Selected paper, presented at USDA Symposium on Natural Resource Management to Offset Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Raleigh, North Carolina
Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Catherine L. Kling, and Jinhua Zhao
Selected paper, presented at USDA Symposium on Natural Resource Management to Offset Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Raleigh, North Carolina
CRC vs RA: A Comparison
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at Insuring Iowa’s Agriculture: New Products and New Programs
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at Insuring Iowa’s Agriculture: New Products and New Programs
How Breakthroughs in Information Systems Can Impact Local Decisions
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at C-FARE symposium in Washington D.C.
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented at C-FARE symposium in Washington D.C.
June 2002
Multiple Environmental Externalities of Conservation Tillage: Empirical Assessment of Practice and Performance Based Targeting
Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Catherine L. Kling, and Jinhua Zhao
Selected paper, presented at the 2nd World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Monterey, California
Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Catherine L. Kling, and Jinhua Zhao
Selected paper, presented at the 2nd World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Monterey, California
February 2002
Combining Revealed and Stated Preference Data Using On-Site Samples in the Estimation of Recreation Demand
Presented at the Missouri Valley Economic Association annual meeting, Memphis, Tennessee
Presented at the Missouri Valley Economic Association annual meeting, Memphis, Tennessee
October 2001
Program on Myths and Realities of U.S. Farm Policy and Ag Trade
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented to Iowa State University Community
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented to Iowa State University Community
August 2001
Revealed Premium in the Adoption of Conservation Tillage
Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Catherine L. Kling, and Jinhua Zhao
Selected paper, presented at AAEA Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Catherine L. Kling, and Jinhua Zhao
Selected paper, presented at AAEA Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
March 2001
Crop Insurance, Counter-Cyclical Policies, and the WTO: Implications for Agricultural Policy
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented to Italy’s National Institute of Agricultural Economics
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented to Italy’s National Institute of Agricultural Economics
February 2001
What Crop Insurance is Best for You?
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented to Northwest Farm Managers Assoc. Annual Meeting
Bruce A. Babcock
Presented to Northwest Farm Managers Assoc. Annual Meeting
January 2001