
CARD conducts innovative public policy and economic research on local, regional, and global agricultural issues. This work is done through the use of contemporary and time-honored economic theories, quantitative methods, and interdisciplinary approaches to inform, engage, and benefit society. CARD communicates research findings with state and federal policymakers, the research community, agricultural, food, and environmental groups, individual decision-makers, and local and global audiences.

CARD conducts research on a wide range of topics with research initiatives that focus on the economic, environmental, and societal impacts of policy topics such as the cost-effectiveness of the Clean Water Act, changes to the Renewable Fuel Standard, adjustments to trade tariffs, changes to the EFNEP and SNAP programs, carbon sequestration, and the use of neonicotinoids in agriculture, to name a few.


Additional Research

Iowa Lakes Project

This project provides a wide array of information for about 140 lakes in Iowa, including visitation patterns, water quality, lake usage, and the value of a lake to its local economy. Additionally, the website contains economic analysis of the benefits to Iowans and communities from improvements in water quality. The information and analysis are part of an ongoing research initiative by Iowa State University, and new information will be added as it becomes available.

Iowa Lakes Project


It is essential to look at agriculture from an economic scope to improve resources, outcomes, and yields associated with crops and crop types. CARD research highlights these conservation efforts for cover crops and switchgrass.
