Retired Tools

Beef and Pork Price Spreads and Farm Share of Retail Price
CARD provides these data as one of many indicators of whether the beef and pork markets are returning to pre-covid levels. For a discussion about these spreads, how they are derived and how they are impacted by marketing costs, see Lusk, Tonsor and Schulz (2020). Beef and Pork Marketing Margins and Price Spreads during COVID-19. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.

2014 Farm Bill Analyzer
The ISU Farm Bill Analyzer focuses on decisions at the single-farm level for corn and/or soybean producers in Iowa. PLC and ARC-CO payments and probabilities are not affected by the number of enrolled farms, while ARC-IC payments and probabilities might be. Using historical information and expectations about prices and yields, the ISU Farm Bill Analyzer calculates expected payments and probabilities associated with payments under all possible combinations of programs across crops.

Average Crop Revenue Election
Average Crop Revenue Election, or ACRE, is a new commodity program included in the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008. CARD researchers offer information and policy analysis about the ACRE program, and links to available ACRE calculators.

Loan Deficiency Payments
CARD has removed its Loan Deficiency Payment (LDP) Web site because of the persistence of higher crop prices, forcing LDP rates to zero, and because of the existence of USDA Web sites that carry the same type of information. Please see the USDA-Farm Service Agency price support page for current LDP information.