ARC/PLC Payments per Base Acre in Iowa

This decision tool provides a simple and intuitive way to compare annual ARC-CO and PLC payments for corn and soybean base acres across counties in Iowa. A detailed description of the ARC/PLC programs and other ISU Extension and Outreach Farm Bill decision tools are available on the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach website.

Authors: Alejandro Plastina and Chad Hart. Programming by Yongjie Ji and Curtis Balmer.

Affiliation: A. Plastina is Associate Professor and C. Hart is Professor in the Department of Economics, Iowa State University.

Last updated: 12-06-2024

Prices updated: 10-01-2024

Yields: ARC-CO payment estimates are based on Official FSA Yields.

Reported payments in 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24 assume 5.7% sequestration.

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