SWAT Literature Database for Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Title:Assessment of the effects of land use patterns on hydrologic landscape functions: development of sustainable land use concepts for low mountain range areas 
Authors:Fohrer, N., S. Haverkamp and H.-G. Frede 
Journal:Hydrological Processes 
Volume (Issue):19(3) 
Article ID: 
URL (non-DOI journals): 
Broad Application Category:hydrologic only 
Primary Application Category:HRU, subbasin, grid and/or landscape unit delineation effects 
Secondary Application Category:land use change assessment 
Watershed Description:60 km^2 Aar River, located in the Lahn-Dill-Bergland region in the State of Hessen in Germany. 
Calibration Summary:daily 1986-87 E = 0.85 (r = 0.69) 
Validation Summary:1983-84: daily & monthly E values = .64 (r = .79) & .88 (r = .95) 
General Comments:A range of subwatershed & HRU configurations were evaluated using the SUSAT tool within the IOSWAT interface. Streamflow was found to stabilize at 5 subwatersheds without HRUs or 15 subwatersheds with 145 HRUs. The Proland agric. econ. model was then used to determine land use distributions for 7 different field size scenarios ranging from 0.5 to 20 ha. Water balance results are reported in response to the different land use scenarios. 
Keywords:land use change; hydrologic catchment modelling; future land use scenarios; SWAT-G; IOSWAT