SWAT Literature Database for Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Title:Ecological risk assessment for pacific salmon exposed to Dimethoate in California 
Authors:Aslund, M.W., R.L. Breton, L. Padilla, M. Winchell, K.L. Wooding, D.R.J. Moore, R.S. Teed, R. Reiss and P. Whatling 
Journal:Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 
Volume (Issue):36(2) 
Article ID: 
URL (non-DOI journals): 
Broad Application Category:pollutant only 
Primary Application Category:pesticide, antibiotic and/or PFAS fate and transport 
Secondary Application Category:none 
Watershed Description:Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook, California central Valley Spring-run Chinook and California central valley steelhead evolutionary significant units located in northern and/or central California, U.S. 
Calibration Summary: 
Validation Summary: 
General Comments:The watershed areas for this study are described on the basis of "Evolutionarily Significant Units" or ESUs. These ESUs are described as a region that hosts a salmon population or group of populations that are very reproductively unique relative to other salmon populations and that figure prominently in the overall evolutionary development of the species. 
Keywords:Probabilistic risk assessment, SWAT model, Organophosphorus insecticides, Salmon, Endangered species