SWAT Literature Database for Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Title:Examination of the water balance of irrigated paddy fields in SWAT 2009 using the curve number procedure and the pothole module 
Authors:Sakaguchi, A., S. Eguchi and M. Kasuya 
Journal:Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 
Volume (Issue):60(4) 
Article ID: 
URL (non-DOI journals): 
Broad Application Category:hydrologic only 
Primary Application Category:rice paddy dynamics and/or production 
Secondary Application Category:depressional (pothole, wetland or pond) effects and/or processes 
Watershed Description:The Arata River watershed in central Japan. The area was approximately 3 km^2, of which 56.4% was upland fields and 18.0% was paddy fields. 
Calibration Summary:The CN approach: NSE=0.58, R2=0.66, RMSE=4.88(mm d−1), PBIAS=16%. The pothole approach: NSE=‒4.02, R2=0.57, RMSE=10.50(mm d−1), PBIAS=7%. 
Validation Summary:The CN approach: NSE=0.65, R2=0.65, RMSE=7.14(mm d−1), PBIAS=0%. The pothole approach: NSE=-0.13, R2=0.55, RMSE=12.17(mm d−1), PBIAS=10%. 
General Comments:The CN approach: Rice paddy fields were simulated by the curve number method. The pothole approach: Rice paddy fields were simulated by the pothole module. 
Keywords:SWAT, paddy field, irrigation, pothole, curve number