Title: | Linking SWAT and SOBEK using open modeling interface (OpenMI) for sediment transport simulation in the Blue Nile River Basin |
Authors: | Betrie, G.D., A. van Griensven, Y.A. Mohamed, I. Popescu, A.E. Mynett and S. Hummel |
Year: | 2011 |
Journal: | Transactions of the ASABE |
Volume (Issue): | 54(5) |
Pages: | 1749-1757 |
Article ID: | |
DOI: | 10.13031/2013.39847 |
URL (non-DOI journals): | |
Model: | SWAT-IHE |
Broad Application Category: | hydrologic and pollutant |
Primary Application Category: | model and/or data interface |
Secondary Application Category: | sediment loss and transport |
Watershed Description: | Blue Nile River in Ethiopia and Sudan |
Calibration Summary: | |
Validation Summary: | |
General Comments: | |
Abstract: | Computer models assist basin‐scale decision making by taking into account upstream‐downstream
interdependencies. The SWAT (hydrological) model code was developed into an OpenMI‐compliant version and linked with
the SOBEK (hydrodynamic) model to extend SWAT's simulations of basin‐scale streamflow and sediment transport. The
development of an OpenMI‐compliant version of SWAT involved reorganizing the SWAT model code and wrapping it with the
OpenMI wrapper utility. The modified SWAT model was linked to the SOBEK model and applied to simulate sediment
transport in the Blue Nile River basin. The SWAT model simulated the streamflow and soil erosion in the upstream catchment, while the SOBEK model routed the streamflow and sediment downstream to the basin outlet. Prior to the linking, both the SWAT and SOBEK models were individually calibrated. The results showed that the coupled models simulated the observed hydrodynamics and sediment deposition due to backwater effects, which would not be possible with the SWAT model alone. The developed OpenMI‐compliant SWAT model can further be linked to groundwater, climate change, and socioeconomic models to address integrated water resources management needs. |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | Blue Nile, Model integration, OpenMI, Sediment transport, SOBEK, Soil erosion, SWAT |