Title: | Adaptation of satellite-based precipitation product to study runoff and sediment of Indian River watersheds |
Authors: | Singh, L. and S. Subbarayan |
Year: | 2022 |
Journal: | Arabian Journal of Geosciences |
Volume (Issue): | 15(4) |
Pages: | |
Article ID: | 326 |
DOI: | 10.1007/s12517-022-09610-5 |
URL (non-DOI journals): | |
Model: | SWAT |
Broad Application Category: | hydrologic and pollutant |
Primary Application Category: | calibration, sensitivity, and/or uncertainty analysis |
Secondary Application Category: | sediment loss and transport |
Watershed Description: | a) Wunna River (also known as Venna) is located in Maharashtra state of Central India and being a part of the Lower-Godavari basin. Wunna River is flowing in the lower-Godavari basin. The watershed of Wunna river is located around 20°30′ to 21°16′N latitude and 78°10′ to 79°06′ E longitude and its cover around total 4512 km2 area. It has 1281-mm average annual rainfall with a tropical climate.
(b) Mahanadi River is situated in Chhattisgarh state of Central-East India. It is originating from Sihawa mountain of Dhamtari district of Chhattisgarh. This study area falls under Mahanadi basin and it is located around 20°0′ to 21°05′N latitude and 81°30′ to 82°30′ E longitude, and cover around 4533 km2 geographical area. It characterised by a tropical climate with average rainfall 1508 mm. The elevation of the watershed is varying 242 to 971 m, where the southernmost portion of the study area has maximum elevation. The majority of the rain falls during the south-west monsoon.
(c) Bharathpuzha River (also known as Nila) is situated in south India of Kerala and located around 10°10′ to 11°15′N latitude and 76°0′ to 77°20′ E longitude. It is originating from Anaimalai hills from the Western Ghats. Its principal tributaries are Gyathripuzha, Kannadi, Korayar, and Thuthapuzha, finally deposited in the Arabian Sea at Ponnani on the west coast of Kerala state. The Bharathpuzha watershed has a total area of 5789.49 km2 with high annual average rainfall 2340 mm. |
Calibration Summary: | |
Validation Summary: | |
General Comments: | |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | Runoff, Sediment, SWAT, SUFI-2, TRMM, India |