SWAT Literature Database for Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Title:Modelling watershed and river basin processes in cold climate regions: A review 
Authors:Wang, J., N.K. Shrestha, M.A. Delavar, T.W. Meshesha and S.N. Bhanja 
Volume (Issue):13(4) 
Article ID:518 
URL (non-DOI journals): 
Model:SWAT-DayCent, SWAT-MKT & SWAT 
Broad Application Category:review/history 
Primary Application Category:snowmelt, frozen soil and/or glacier melt processes 
Secondary Application Category:model and/or data comparison 
Watershed Description:None 
Calibration Summary: 
Validation Summary: 
General Comments: 
Abstract:Watersheds in cold regions provide water, food, biodiversity and ecosystem service. However, the increasing demand for water resources and climate change challenge our ability to provide clean freshwater. Particularly, watersheds in cold regions are more sensitive to changing climate due to their glaciers’ retreat and permafrost. This review revisits watershed system and processes. We analyze principles of watershed modelling and characteristics of watersheds in cold regions. Then, we show observed evidence of their impacts of cold processes on hydrological and biogeochemical processes and ecosystems, and review the watershed modeling and their applications in cold regions. Finally, we identify the knowledge gaps in modeling river basins according to model structures and representations of processes and point out research priorities in future model development. 
Keywords:watershed modeling; cold climate; climate change; modeling of river basins