SWAT Literature Database for Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Title:Web-based decision support system tools: The Soil and Water Assessment Tool Online visualization and analyses (SWATOnline) and NASA earth observation data downloading and reformatting tool (NASAaccess) 
Authors:McDonald, S., I.N. Mohammed, J.D. Bolten, S. Pulla, C. Meechaiya, A. Markert, E.J. Nelson, R. Srinivasan and V. Lakshmi 
Journal:Environmental Modelling & Software 
Volume (Issue):120 
Article ID: 
URL (non-DOI journals): 
Broad Application Category:interface tool and/or other software 
Primary Application Category:GIS interface, GIS utility, or other type of interface/utility 
Secondary Application Category:model and/or data interface 
Watershed Description:Lower Mekong River system, which drains much of Southeast Asia. 
Calibration Summary: 
Validation Summary: 
General Comments:This paper gives the design, methods and development efforts for new online software programs (SWATOnline and NASAaccess). The SWATOnline is a SWAT visualization software programs. The NASAaccess is a software tool that streamlines the retrieval and processing of the global National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) earth observation data products. The full development code as well as manual documentation for these two software programs can be accessed at https://github.com/BYU-Hydroinformatics/SWATOnline 
Keywords:Tethys, SWAT, Remote sensing, Climate, Water management, NASA