SWAT Literature Database for Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Title:Water-soil-vegetation-dynamic interactions in changing climate 
Authors:Wang, X., X. Chu, T. Liu, X. Cheng and R. Whittecar 
Volume (Issue):9(10) 
Article ID:740 
URL (non-DOI journals): 
Broad Application Category:editorial, preface, introduction or conclusion 
Primary Application Category:review/history 
Secondary Application Category:climate change assessment 
Watershed Description:none 
Calibration Summary: 
Validation Summary: 
General Comments: 
Abstract:Previous studies of land degradation, topsoil erosion, and hydrologic alteration typically focus on these subjects individually, missing important interrelationships among these important aspects of the Earth’s system. However, an understanding of water–soil–vegetation dynamic interactions is needed to develop practical and effective solutions to sustain the globe’s eco-environment and grassland agriculture, which depends on grasses, legumes, and other fodder or soil-building crops. This special issue is intended to be a platform for a discussion of the relevant scientific findings based on experimental and/or modeling studies. Its 12 peer-reviewed articles present data, novel analysis/modeling approaches, and convincing results of water–soil–vegetation interactions under historical and future climates. Two of the articles examine how lake/pond water quality is related to human activity and climate. Overall, these articles can serve as important references for future studies to further advance our understanding of how water, soil, and vegetation interactively affect the health and productivity of the Earth’s ecosystem. 
Keywords:climate change; experiment; hydrology; modeling; soil water; steppe grassland; transpiration; vegetation growth