SWAT Literature Database for Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Title:Farmland shift due to climate warming and impacts on temporal-spatial distributions of water resources in a middle-high latitude agricultural watershed 
Authors:Ouyang, W., X. Gao, Z. Hao, H. Liu, Y. Shi and F. Hao 
Journal:Journal of Hydrology 
Volume (Issue):547 
Article ID: 
URL (non-DOI journals): 
Broad Application Category:hydrologic only 
Primary Application Category:climate change and land use change 
Secondary Application Category:rice paddy dynamics and/or production 
Watershed Description:2,205 km^2 Naoli River, located in the Sangjiang Plain region in far northeast China. 
Calibration Summary: 
Validation Summary: 
General Comments: 
Keywords:Climate warming; farmland change; combined impacts; water resource; middle-high latitude