SWAT Literature Database for Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Title:Hydrological modeling of fecal indicator bacteria in a tropical mountain catchment 
Authors:Kim, M., L. Boithias, K.H. Cho, N. Silvera, C. Thammahacksa, K. Latsachack, E. Rochelle-Newall, O. Sengtaheuanghoung, A. Pierret, Y.A. Pachepsky and O. Ribolzi 
Journal:Water Research 
Volume (Issue):119 
Article ID: 
URL (non-DOI journals): 
Broad Application Category:hydrologic and pollutant 
Primary Application Category:pathogen fate and transport 
Secondary Application Category:in-stream and/or channel processes 
Watershed Description:0.6 km² Houay Pano drainage area, characterized by a sub-tropical humid climate and located south of the city of Luang Prabang in northwest Lao PDR. It is the experimental site of the Multi-Scale Environmental Changes (MSEC, http://msec.obs-mip.fr/) program in Lao PDR. 
Calibration Summary:Daily discharge: ENS = 0.66, R² = 0.66, PBIAS = +4.5% Daily suspended sediment load: ENS = 0.45, R² = 0.46, PBIAS = 65.3% Daily bacteria number: 456 < RMSE (MPN/100mL) < 2959 depending on the in-stream processes implemented. 
Validation Summary: 
General Comments: 
Keywords:Fecal Indicator Organism, Fate and transport, Tropical watershed, Soil and Water Assessment Tool, SWAT, Laos