SWAT Literature Database for Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Title:Impacts of land use and land cover changes on surface energy and water balance in the Heihe River Basin of China, 2000-2010 
Authors:Deng, X., Q. Shi, Q. Zhang, C. Shi and F. Yin 
Journal:Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 
Volume (Issue):79–82 
Article ID: 
URL (non-DOI journals): 
Broad Application Category:hydrologic only 
Primary Application Category:land use change assessment 
Secondary Application Category:hydrologic assessment 
Watershed Description:143,000 km^2 Heihe River, located in Qinghai Province, Gansu Province and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in northwest China. 
Calibration Summary: 
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Keywords:LUCC; water balance; energy balance; WRF model; Heihe River Basin