SWAT Literature Database for Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Title:Factors controlling the long-term temporal and spatial patterns of nitrate-nitrogen export in a dairy farming watershed 
Authors:Jiang, R., C. Wang, R. Hatano, K. Kuramochi, A. Hayakawa and K.P. Woli 
Journal:Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 
Volume (Issue):187 
Article ID: 
URL (non-DOI journals): 
Broad Application Category:hydrologic and pollutant 
Primary Application Category:nitrogen cycling/loss and transport 
Secondary Application Category:groundwater and/or soil water impacts/processes 
Watershed Description:672 km^2 Shibetsu River, located in the eastern part of the Island of Hokkaido in northern Japan 
Calibration Summary: 
Validation Summary: 
General Comments: 
Keywords:Nitrate-nitrogen, Land use, Soil type, Denitrification, Soil and water assessment tool