Title: | Application and evaluation of ESWAT on the Dender Basin and Wister Lake Basin |
Authors: | van Griensven, A. and W. Bauwens |
Year: | 2005 |
Journal: | Hydrological Processes |
Volume (Issue): | 19(3) |
Pages: | 827-838 |
Article ID: | |
DOI: | 10.1002/hyp.5614 |
URL (non-DOI journals): | |
Model: | ESWAT |
Broad Application Category: | hydrologic and pollutant |
Primary Application Category: | calibration, sensitivity, and/or uncertainty analysis |
Secondary Application Category: | pollutant cycling/loss and transport |
Watershed Description: | 2,600 km^2 Wister Lake and 707 km^2 "Flemish portion" of the Dender River, which are located respectively in Oklahoma and Belgium. |
Calibration Summary: | Daily 1991-93 Wister Lake: Red Oak E = .65 Cauthron E = .57 ---------------------------- Graphical daily flow comparisons between simulated and observed values are presented for both watersheds |
Validation Summary: | Daily 1994-95 Wister Lake: Red Oak E = .55 Cauthron E = .78 ---------------------------- Graphical daily flow and pollutant (DO, Chlorophyll-a, total N for Wister Lake; nitrate, DO, BOD, ammonia, & phosphate for Dender) comparisons between simulated and observed values are presented for both watersheds |
General Comments: | ESWAT components are described including a subhourly time step, revised infiltration routine, QUAL2E in-stream water quantity module, and an autocalibration subcomponent. An autocalibration approach based on the Shuffled Complex Evolution method was used to perform the calibration of the model for both watersheds. Incorporation of a "time convolution" and modified ET modules resulted in clear improvement in the final set of E statistics. |
Language: | English |
Keywords: | integrated modelling; river basin; water quality |