SWAT Literature Database for Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Title:Climate change impacts for the conterminous USA: An integrated assessment Part 2: Models and validation 
Authors:Thomson, A.M., N.J. Rosenberg, R.C. Izaurralde and R.A. Brown 
Journal:Climatic Change 
Volume (Issue):69(1) 
Article ID: 
URL (non-DOI journals): 
Broad Application Category:hydrologic only 
Primary Application Category:climate change assessment 
Secondary Application Category:Hyrologic Unit Model of the U.S. (HUMUS) application 
Watershed Description:18 Major Water Resource Regions (MWRRs), that comprise the conterminous U.S. 
Calibration Summary: 
Validation Summary:Overall r2 = .94 based on annual average water yields at MWRR outlets ---------------------------- annual average r2 values ranged from .04 to .81 at the 8-digit watershed level 
General Comments:SWAT within HUMUS was executed for the 18 MWRRs that together consist of 2101 8-digit watersheds. Flow validation resultsare reported at both the 8-digit and MWRR levels. These simulations serve as the baseline for comparing the climate change scenario impacts against that are reported in parts 4 (& 5?) of the study. Validation of EPIC crop yield predictions are also reported? 