SWAT Literature Database for Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Title:Applying SWAT for TMDL programs to a small watershed containing rice paddy fields 
Authors:Kang, M.S., S.W. Park, J.J. Lee and K.H. Yoo 
Journal:Agricultural Water Management 
Volume (Issue):79(1) 
Article ID: 
URL (non-DOI journals): 
Model:SWAT (modified) 
Broad Application Category:hydrologic and pollutant 
Primary Application Category:rice paddy dynamics and/or production 
Secondary Application Category:Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) applications 
Watershed Description:29.79 km^2 Baran River, which is located about 8 km west of the City of Suwon in Kyunggi Province in west central South Korea. 
Calibration Summary:daily 1996-97 r^2/E results: runoff - .93/.93; SS - 0.77/.70; TN - 0.84/.73; TP - 0.81/.42 
Validation Summary:daily 1999-2000 r^2/E results: runoff - .87/.87; SS - 0.89/.89; TN - 0.85/.65; TP - 0.85/0.19 
General Comments:RMSE and RMAE calibration & validation results also reported; annual SS, TN, & TP loadings reported for each of 23 subwatersheds for 1996-2000 (estimated TMDL loading reductions also computed) 
Keywords:SWAT; Paddy fields; Water quality; Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Suspended solids; GIS; RS