Privatization and Restructuring of State and Collective Farms: Policy Environment and Strategies
December 1994 [94-BR 16]
William H. Meyers, Natalija KazlauskieneSuggested citation:
Meyers, W.H. and N. Kazlauskiene. 1994. "Privatization and Restructuring of State and Collective Farms: Policy Environment and Strategies." CARD paper 94-BR 16. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.
Issues, choices, and strategies in the transformation of collective and state farms in transition economies are explored. Analysis includes how other reforms have an impact on the transition in farming systems and farm structure. Economic forces to direct the changing structure of farming to the maximum extent possible should be allowed. The role of the government is to create an appropriate legal, economic, and institutional environment for the transition process to be carried out successfully.