
Overview of Rural Development Strategies for the Baltics, An

Andrejs Plakans, A. M. Fuller, Ivar Raig, Saulius Budvytis, Vilija Budvytiene, Betty L. Wells, Caroline Schipper-Peters, Aivars Tabuns, Arturas Kazlauskas, Natalija Kazlauskiene
March 1993  [93-BR 9]

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Suggested citation:

Plakans, A., A. Fuller, I. Raig, S. Budvytis, V. Budvytiene, B. Wells, C. Schipper-Peters, A. Tabuns, A. Kazlauskas, and N. Kazlauskiene. 1993. "Overview of Rural Development Strategies for the Baltics, An." CARD paper 93-BR 9. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.


Historically, the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia have been known primarily as agricultural countries. This description has determined the significance of all the changes and reforms that have been undertaken in the agrarian sector, including both the production and social spheres. The current agricultural reform is not a completely unexpected new development; it was prepared and shaped as a result of almost two centuries of changes in the countryside.