Temperate Fruit and Vegetable Trade under the GATT
February 1994 [94-GATT 7]
Julian Alston, Colin Carter, Kenneth Weiss, Bin ZhangSuggested citation:
Alston, J., C. Carter, K. Weiss, and B. Zhang. 1994. "Temperate Fruit and Vegetable Trade under the GATT." CARD paper 94-GATT 7. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.
The Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), if negotiated to a successful completion, will affect world trading patterns. This paper summarizes and analyzes the structure of the international markets for fruits and vegetables, and projects changes in response to reforms likely to follow a successful GATT negotiation. The research focused on the European Community (EC), selected European Free-Trade Association (EFTA) nations, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil, Chile, and Colombia.