The Collective-Quality Promotion in the Agribusiness Sector: An Overview
Stéphan Marette
October 2005 [05-WP 406]
Suggested citation:
Marette, S. 2005. "The Collective-Quality Promotion in the Agribusiness Sector: An Overview." Working paper 05-WP 406. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.
This paper reviews the economic effects of collective-quality promotion through a survey of the recent literature devoted to common labeling and professional groups. Benefits and costs of common labeling and professional groups for improving quality are detailed. Some empirical facts are presented, mainly focusing on some European examples, since many European countries have a long history of producer-owned marketing programs. This paper shows that in some cases the collective-quality promotion can be a successful strategy for firms/farmers.
Keywords: collective-quality promotion, labeling, marketing organization, quality signals.