Dairy Markets in Asia: An Overview of Recent Findings and Implications
John C. Beghin
September 2005 [05-BP 47]
Suggested citation:
Beghin, J.C. 2005. "Dairy Markets in Asia: An Overview of Recent Findings and Implications." Briefing paper 05-BP 47. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.
This paper is an overview of important findings regarding the ongoing evolution of Asian dairy markets based on a series of new economic investigations. These investigations provide systematic empirical foundations for assessing Asian dairy markets with their new consumption patterns, changing industries, and trade prospects under different domestic and trade policy regimes. The findings are drawn from four case studies (China, India, Japan, and Korea), as well as a prospective analysis of future regional patterns of consumption and a policy analysis of trade liberalization of Asian dairy markets. The overview distills the findings of these new investigations and integrates them in the earlier economic literature; it draws policy implications and identifies lessons for countries outside of Asia, especially for emerging exporters in Latin America.
Keywords: Asia, China, dairy, India, Japan, Korea, liberalization, trade integration.