FAPRI Trade Model for Feed Grains: Specification, Estimation, and Validation
Aniss Bahrenian, S. Devadoss, William H. Meyers
December 1986 [86-SR 1]
Suggested citation:
Bahrenian, A., S. Devadoss, and W.H. Meyers. 1986. "FAPRI Trade Model for Feed Grains: Specification, Estimation, and Validation." Staff report 86-SR 1. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.
This model was developed to quantify the trade and policy linkages for feed grains among the major importing and exporting regions. It is intended primarily for use in making intermediate-term projections and conducting policy impact analysis. Thus it is a relatively small partial equilibrium model but incorporates the most basic supply, demand, price, and policy variables in the feed grains sector.