Farm Financial Conditions in Agriculture within Farm Credit System Districts
Robert W. Jolly, Damona G. Doye, Darrel Choat
June 1987 [87-SR 35]
Suggested citation:
Jolly, R.W., D. Doye, and D. Choat. 1987. "Farm Financial Conditions in Agriculture within Farm Credit System Districts." Staff report 87-SR 35. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.
A picture of extremes in farm financial conditions emerges from our analysis. Forty percent of all farm operators are performing extremely well. Operators in this group show significantly above-average earnings, strong equity positions, and sizable off-farm incomes. About 10 percent of all operators are failing and have little chance of recovery. The remainder, half of all U.S. farms, are either marking time or facing significant reorganization in order to remain in business.