Alternatives to Triazine Herbicides in Iowa Corn Production

May 1991  [91-SR 53]

Paul E. Rosenberry, Jason F. Shogren

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Suggested citation:

Rosenberry, P. and J.F. Shogren. 1991. "Alternatives to Triazine Herbicides in Iowa Corn Production." Staff report 91-SR 53. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.


This report explores triazine herbicide alternatives in corn production given the possibility of restricted atrazine use. We identify three key results:

1) Restricting atrazine application rate to 1.5 pounds of active ingredient per acre would generally not reduce weed control or corn yield.

2) An atrazine ban might not decrease weed control or lower yields provided farmers can manage alternative strategies efficiently.

3) A triazine ban would likely increase costs, labor, and total pounds of active ingredients of substitute herbicides, but would not necessarily decrease weed control.