Testimony of Burton C. English before the Joint Economic Committee and the Agriculture Subcommittee in Washington, D.C.
June 1983 [83-WP 5] Burton C. English, Elwin G. Smith, LeRoy T. Hansen, Sherry WiseSuggested citation:
English, B.C., E. Smith, L.T. Hansen, and S. Wise. 1983. "Testimony of Burton C. English before the Joint Economic Committee and the Agriculture Subcommittee in Washington, D.C." Working paper 83-WP 5. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Burton C. English. I am a staff economist with the Center for Agricultural Development located in Ames, Iowa. My area of expertise is in agricultural economics and policy with a special emphasis in soil conservation. I wish to thank you for inviting me here to testify. You will note that the testimony that I am presenting here was written by Earl O. Heady and myself. I send his apologies for not being able to make this hearing, but his schedule would not permit it.