
Assumptions in the 1985 RCA: A Review

Burton C. English
October 1983  [83-WP 7]

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Suggested citation:

English, B.C. 1983. "Assumptions in the 1985 RCA: A Review." Working paper 83-WP 7. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.


The purpose of this paper is to elaborate on the basic assumptions that have been made or need to be made before the solutions for the 1985 RCA,

At the last Project Advisory Committee (PAC) meeting a paper put together by USDA's Basic Assumption Work Group (BAWG) was presented (APPENDIX A). This paper, written by BAWG, examines population levels, gross national product, disposable personal income, institutional and technical change, energy cost, and capital availability. A second paper handed out at the last meeting outlined some of the programming models' assumptions. Many of the points listed in this outline will be examined more completely in this working paper.

This paper will state the regions to be used in the programming model, the assumptions used in the creation of the crop sector, the land base, and input costs. It will examine technology and demands.