
CARD/RCA Water Sector Model, The

Elwin G. Smith, LeRoy T. Hansen, Burton C. English, Sherry Wise
February 1984  [84-WP 1]

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Suggested citation:

Smith, E., L.T. Hansen, B.C. English, and S. Wise. 1984. "CARD/RCA Water Sector Model, The." Working paper 84-WP 1. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.


Water has become a major input into agriculture production in the United States. Irrigation in the Western United States has been important in crop production and will continue to be important. Irrigation is also becoming more important in areas of the southeast. The use and conservation of water, as well as the importance of irrigation in the conservation of soil, are areas of concern as outlined in the 1977 Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act. Therefore, it is necessary for the CARD/RCA programming models to incorporate a water sector.