Development of Forage Nutrient Value Coefficients for Use in CARD’s 1985 RCA Model, The

W. Terry Disney, Burton C. English
March 1984  [84-WP 3]

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Suggested citation:

Disney, W.T. and B.C. English. 1984. "Development of Forage Nutrient Value Coefficients for Use in CARD’s 1985 RCA Model, The." Working paper 84-WP 3. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.


After preliminary work on the livestock sector for the 1985 CARD/RCA model was completed in the summer of 1983, it was felt that one of the weaker areas in the sector was the linkage between the livestock sector and the range sector. At that time it was decided that the best way to approach this problem would be through the development of feed transfer activities.

The purpose of this paper is to present a brief overview of the development of the nutrient value coefficients for net energy, protein, calcium, and phosphorus supplied by grazed forages in the 31 market regions. The data developed in this paper serves as coefficients for feed transfer activities in the livestock sector of the CARD/RCA model.