Baseline Projections, Yield Impacts, and Trade Liberalization Impacts for Soybeans, Wheat, and Feed Grains: A FAPRI Trade Model Analysis

William H. Meyers, S. Devadoss, Michael D. Helmar
May 1986  [86-WP 2]

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Suggested citation:

Meyers, W.H., S. Devadoss, and M.D. Helmar. 1986. "Baseline Projections, Yield Impacts, and Trade Liberalization Impacts for Soybeans, Wheat, and Feed Grains: A FAPRI Trade Model Analysis." Working paper 86-WP 2. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.


The FAPRI models were developed to quantify trade and policy interactions among the major importing and exporting regions of the world. They are intended primarily for use in making intermediate-term projections and conducting policy impact analysis. Thus, they are relatively small, partial equilibrium models but incorporate the most basic supply, demand, price, and policy variables in these sectors.