Evaluating the Saskatchewan Short-Term Hog Loan Program
Donald Lien, David A. Hennessy
February 2005 [05-WP 385]
Suggested citation:
Lien, D. and D.A. Hennessy. 2005. "Evaluating the Saskatchewan Short-Term Hog Loan Program." Working paper 05-WP 385. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.
The Saskatchewan short-term hog loan program of 2002 provided a non-market credit line to participating hog producers. The repayment conditions for cash advances committed to by the provincial government depend on later hog prices, and so the program has derivative contract attributes. We model the contracts and use an estimated spot price stochastic process to establish summary statistics for producer benefits from the program.
Keywords: agricultural policy, derivative contract, domestic support, international trade agreements.
JEL classification: Q1, G3