China’s Dairy Market: Consumer Demand Survey and Supply Characteristics
September 2004 [04-SR 99]
Frank H. Fuller, John C. Beghin, Dinghuan Hu, Scott RozelleSuggested citation:
Fuller, F.H., J.C. Beghin, D. Hu, and S. Rozelle. 2004. "China’s Dairy Market: Consumer Demand Survey and Supply Characteristics." Staff report 04-SR 99. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.
This report documents data and other information gathered from a survey of urban households in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, China. The survey was conducted as part of a research project aimed at understanding the evolution of dairy markets in Asia and the implications for dairy product trade. The survey data provide insights into the purchasing behavior and attitudes of urban consumers in China with respect to dairy products. The report describes the survey and collection process, summarizes selected data from the survey, and provides anecdotal information about the development of dairy production, processing, and product marketing in China.
Keywords: China, dairy products, demand, production, supply chain, survey data.