
Effects of Adding a Target Revenue Program and Soybean Fixed Decoupled Payments to Current Farm Programs

Chad E. Hart, Bruce A. Babcock
September 2001  [01-BP 35]

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Suggested citation:

Hart, C.E. and B.A. Babcock. 2001. "Effects of Adding a Target Revenue Program and Soybean Fixed Decoupled Payments to Current Farm Programs." Briefing paper 01-BP 35. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.


This paper provides a one-year forward-looking analysis of a revenue countercyclical farm program. The basis for the revenue countercyclical farm program originates from the National Corn Growers Association's (NCGA) farm bill proposal. We explore several options under this program. The options consist of various crop loan rate levels for corn and soybeans. The amount and distribution of payments to producers under the various NCGA options and the Agricultural Act of 2001 (House Resolution 2646) are examined and compared against expected payments under the current array of farm programs.