Valuing Preservation and Improvements of Water Quality in Clear Lake
March 2001 [01-SR 94] Christopher D. Azevedo, Joseph A. Herriges, Catherine L. KlingSuggested citation:
Azevedo, C.D., J.A. Herriges, and C.L. Kling. 2001. "Valuing Preservation and Improvements of Water Quality in Clear Lake." Staff report 01-SR 94. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.
This report presents summary statistics and other results of a survey of Clear Lake visitors and residents. Drawing on survey results, the authors present information on recreational usage of the lake, attitudes of recreators and local residents toward possible watershed management changes, and estimates of visitors' and residents' willingness to pay for water quality improvements at the lake. Support for the survey was provided by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.