Reinsuring Group Revenue Insurance with Exchange-Provided Revenue Contracts
May 1999 [99-WP 212]
Bruce A. Babcock, Steven L. Griffin, Dermot J. HayesSuggested citation:
Babcock, B.A., S. Griffin, and D.J. Hayes. 1999. "Reinsuring Group Revenue Insurance with Exchange-Provided Revenue Contracts." Working paper 99-WP 212. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.
Shows that it is feasible to use exchange-based contracts as a substitute for the Standard Reinsurance Agreement. The authors analyze a Group Revenue Contract, which would allow producers to guarantee against reductions in county-level revenues. The insurance company would then purchase put options on an exchange-based revenue contract to protect against statewide revenue shortfalls. The analysis suggests that this reassurance tool would eliminate most though not all of the systemic risk associated with this product.