Feed-Grain Consumption by Traditional Pork-Producing Households in China

November 1998  [98-WP 203]

Cheng Fang, Frank H. Fuller

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Suggested citation:

Fang, C. and F.H. Fuller. 1998. "Feed-Grain Consumption by Traditional Pork-Producing Households in China." Working paper 98-WP 203. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.


Economic reforms in China's agricultural sector initiated in the late 1970s led to rapid structural change in China's pork sector. Swine production units have declined in number but increased in size. Using household survey data from seven Chinese provinces, the authors estimate feed-grain demand by pork producers for three size categories: annual pork output of less than 200 kg; between 200 and 500 kg; and greater than 500 kg. Results indicate that households slaughtering a small number of pigs each year are less market-oriented than households slaughtering a greater number annually.