Estimation and Welfare Calculations in a Generalized Corner Solution Model with an Application to Recreation Demand
Daniel J. Phaneuf, Catherine L. Kling, Joseph A. Herriges
July 1998 [99-WP 207]
Suggested citation:
Phaneuf, D.J., C.L. Kling, and J.A. Herriges. 1998. "Estimation and Welfare Calculations in a Generalized Corner Solution Model with an Application to Recreation Demand." Working paper 99-WP 207. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.
The Kuhn-Tucker model provides a utility theoretic framework for estimating preferences over commodities for which individuals choose not to consume one or more of the goods. This paper provides an application of the Kuhn-Tucker model to the problem of recreation demand and site selection, modeling the demand for fishing in the Wisconsin Great Lakes region.