
Cost of Regulating Hog Manure Storage Facilities and Land Application Techniques, The

Bruce A. Babcock, Ronald A. Fleming, Dwaine S. Bundy
June 1997  [97-BP 17]

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Suggested citation:

Babcock, B.A., R. Fleming, and D. Bundy. 1997. "Cost of Regulating Hog Manure Storage Facilities and Land Application Techniques, The." Briefing paper 97-BP 17. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.


Much of the recent public concern over Iowa livestock production is focused on hogs, especially on the manner in which hog manure is stored and land applied. This report estimates the financial costs of implementing two regulations regarding the storage and disposition of manure: the first would require that all outside earthen storage basins and anaerobic lagoons be covered; the second would require that manure applied to crop acreage be immediately incorporated into the soil. The report also estimates the possible aggregate impact of the two regulations on the competitiveness of the Iowa hog industry.