Measurement of Government Intervention: A Comparison of Alternative Concepts
Virender Gautam, Sudhir Chaudhary, James R. Prescott, Darnell B. Smith
March 1997 [97-WP 177]
Suggested citation:
Gautam, V., S. Chaudhary, J. Prescott, and D.B. Smith. 1997. "Measurement of Government Intervention: A Comparison of Alternative Concepts." Working paper 97-WP 177. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.
The variation in protection awarded to agricultural commodities indicates some general patterns of protection across industrialized and developing countries. This paper provides an analytical overview of the political economy market of agricultural protection. A comprehensive comparative analysis of different measurement concepts and their respective polio coverage is discussed. A graphic exposition of the policy effects captured by selected measurement concepts is provided for different market conditions.