Lithuanian Karst Zone Management Plan: A Case Study in the Management of Agro-environmental Issues in Lithuania, The

April 1996  [96-BB 1]

Vilija Budvytiene, Walter E. Foster, Antanas Sigitas Sileika, Almonas Gutkauskas

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Suggested citation:

Budvytiene, V., W.E. Foster, A. Sileika, and A. Gutkauskas. 1996. "Lithuanian Karst Zone Management Plan: A Case Study in the Management of Agro-environmental Issues in Lithuania, The." CARD paper 96-BB 1. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.


The context, development, and implementation of Lithuania's Karst Region Management Program is described here. The first part of the report explores the physical setting of Lithuania, the condition of the agricultural sector, and its impacts on the environment. The authors then focus on the special conditions of the Karst region, detail the evolution and mechanics of the Karst Area Management Program, and describe the issues associated with its implementation.