
Survey Increases Understanding of Iowa Women Farmland Owners

Madeline Schultz, Jamie Benning, Catherine DeLong, Cori Hyde, Melissa O'Rourke, Lisa Scarbrough, Kristine Tidgren, Jingyi Tong, Wendong Zhang
December 2022  [22-WP 640]

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Suggested citation:

Schultz, M., J. Benning, C. DeLong, C. Hyde, M. O'Rourke, L. Scarbrough, K. Tidgren, J. Tong, and W. Zhang. 2022. "Survey Increases Understanding of Iowa Women Farmland Owners." Working paper 22-WP 640. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.


To increase understanding of Iowa’s women farmland owners, our team conducted a literature review and then designed a survey instrument. The survey was mailed to 728 women and 358 women responded. Results show 92.0% of women farmland owners are in a decision-making role. Women can be effective change agents for more equitable farmland leasing, adoption of conservation practices, and greater efficiencies in land transition to next generation farmers. The research helps guide extension professionals in developing resources and programs that extend knowledge and empower women farmland owners. All citizens benefit when extension supports women in improving agricultural sustainability through the farmland management decisions they make.