A Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources—The Iowa Lakes Valuation Project 2019: Summary and Findings

November 2021  [21-SR 115]

Xibo Wan, Yongjie Ji, Wendong Zhang

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Suggested citation:

Wan, X., Y. Ji, and W. Zhang. 2021. "A Report to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources—The Iowa Lakes Valuation Project 2019: Summary and Findings." Staff report 21-SR 115. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.


Outdoor recreation in natural resource venues, such as state parks, lakes, and trails that accommodate a variety of recreational and wildlife-related pursuits, is one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the United States. As such, it makes large contributions to the nation’s economy. As a result, residents’ recreational usage and how they value water quality improvements are of interest to policymakers and researchers. Using a sample of 2,060 Iowa residents and 414 residents from neighboring states, this study provides a critical update to the Iowa Lakes Valuation Project on the use of Iowa’s lakes and respondent attitudes toward water quality measures and economic development. The 2019 survey also includes a sample of bordering state residents to better understand their usage of Iowa lakes and the value they place on water quality.