Estimation of the Usual Daily Intake Distributions of Ratios of Dietary Components. Dietary Assessment Research Series Report 5
December 1995 [95-SR 79]
Alicia L. Carriquiry, Wayne A. Fuller, J. J. GoyenecheSuggested citation:
Carriquiry, A.L., W. Fuller, and J. Goyeneche. 1995. "Estimation of the Usual Daily Intake Distributions of Ratios of Dietary Components. Dietary Assessment Research Series Report 5." Staff report 95-SR 79. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.
Rations of usual intakes of dietary components, such as the percent of calories from fat, are important indicators of dietary adequacy. The authors of this paper discuss the problem of estimating the intake distribution of ratios of dietary components by using an extension of the method developed by Beale (1962). They first estimate the daily ratio of dietary components for each individual to obtain a nearly unbiased ratios estimate and then apply the method developed at Iowa State University to estimate the distribution of usual intakes of the ratio.