A GAMS/MPSGE implementation of the PET model
Matthias Weitzel, Edward J. Balistreri, Brian C. O'Neill, Xiaolin Ren
September 2019 [19-WP 593]
Suggested citation:
Weitzel, M., E.J. Balistreri, B. O'Neill, and X. Ren. 2019. "A GAMS/MPSGE implementation of the PET model." Working paper 19-WP 593. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.
Abstract: This paper describes a version of the Population-Economy-Technology (PET) model implemented in the GAMS/MPSGE programming language. The implementation of the model is comparable with the original fortran version of iPETS over a number of test cases. While a number of possible configurations exist for both model types, we demonstrate that there is a configuration that makes both implementations behave very similarly and the remaining difference can be traced to different implementations of dynamic agent behavior. This paper also serves as a methodological blueprint for model translation across different programming languages.