E15 and E85 Demand Under RIN Price Caps and an RVP Waiver
Gabriel E. Lade, Sebastien Pouliot, Bruce A. Babcock
March 2018 [18-PB 21]
Suggested citation:
Lade, G.E., S. Pouliot, and B.A. Babcock. 2018. "E15 and E85 Demand Under RIN Price Caps and an RVP Waiver." Policy brief 18-PB 21. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.
Executive Summary
An understanding of several technical and economic factors is needed to understand the current discussions about the RFS and E15. Here we briefly discuss how the EPA could implement a RIN price cap. We then summarize how fuel content restrictions currently limit year-round sales of mid-ethanol blend fuels. Last, we summarize the role of RINs in incentivizing consumption of high ethanol-blend fuels.