Fertilizer Use by Crop at the Country Level (1990–2010)

December 2012  [12-WP 535]

Francisco Rosas

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Suggested citation:

Rosas, F. 2012. "Fertilizer Use by Crop at the Country Level (1990–2010)." Working paper 12-WP 535. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.


We compute the fertilizer use in corn, cotton, soybeans, and rapeseed in the period from 1990 to 2010 for a set of selected countries. In each case, we present the consumption of nitrogen, phosphate, and potash by crop and by year, reporting both the fertilizer application rates (in kilograms per hectare) and the fertilizer consumption (in thousand metric tonnes). We allocate a country’s total nutrient consumption in a given year among competing crops based on publicly available statistics. The resulting allocation of fertilizer among crops is a function of the country’s nutrients total use, the country’s cropped areas, crop world prices, and crop- and country-specific fertilizer application rates for some years. In this report we show results on fertilizer consumption by crop for the top fertilizer consuming countries, and a downloadable MS Excel file “FertilizerDemandByCropData.xls” shows the complete set of results.

Keywords: agriculture, fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphate, potash

JEL codes: Q10, Q12, Q18

Appendix to Fertilizer Use by Crop at the Country Level: 1990 - 2010 0.40 MB