Of Women and Land: How Gender Affects Successions and Transfers of Iowa Farms

Qing Liu, Beatrice Maule, Wendong Zhang
January 2023  [22-WP 631] (Revised)

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Suggested citation:

Liu, Q., B. Maule, and W. Zhang. 2023. "Of Women and Land: How Gender Affects Successions and Transfers of Iowa Farms." Working paper 22-WP 631. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.


Using 589 responses to the 2019 Iowa Farm Transfer Survey, we examine factors in farm successor choices among Iowa farmers with a focus on female successors and landowners. Among those with identified successors, 57% chose sons and 8% chose daughters. We find a 12.4% probability a female farmer will choose a daughter, but only 5.9% for a male farmer. Agriculture experience increases the probability of choosing a daughter from 5.4% to 20.7% and from 36.3% to 65.2% for a son. Our paper reveals striking evidence of gender imbalance in farm succession, transfer, and inheritance decisions of U.S. farms.