
Philip W. Gassman  ·  Research Scientist

Phil Gassman has been engaged in research at the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University since 1987. He received his degrees from Iowa State University: BS and MS degrees in agricultural engineering in 1984 and 1986, and PhD in environmental science in 2008. His research efforts support the integration of environmental and economic models that assess policy scenario impacts for watersheds and other regions, and the testing of field- and watershed-scale models. Phil has worked on varied projects, such as analyses of the risks and benefits of herbicide use, soil erosion and soil nitrogen loss studies, atrazine leaching in the Midwest, and the impacts of alternative practices of livestock operations. He is currently involved in applications of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model and related research for the Iowa UrbanFEWS (https://iowa-urbanfews.cber.iastate.edu/) and Diverse CornBelt (https://diversecornbelt.org/) projects among other ongoing research.

Photo of Philip W. Gassman

Philip W. Gassman
Iowa State University
560A Heady Hall
518 Farm House Lane
Ames, IA 50011-1054


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External Academic Profiles ISU Department of Economics
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